Loves Minimins!
Well done for 1/2 off! Enjoy the wedding
Well done Hunni x how was wedding?
*Stand up* I am Caroline and I am greedy too!!
I can't help myself, there are times I could eat till I feel sick (and have done) as I am that greedy. You would think every meal was going to be my last!!
Hi subscribing. Hope you don't mind?
I'm not finding it too bad thanks, I'm very impatient though and my weight loss has slowed down a fair bit, I need to loose 1lb for my first stone. Then I only need 3lb to get me into the 11's which I've probably not seen for 4 years. Its a case of trial and error at the mo for me, I started to hit the exercise hard and eating more weeklies and was successful last week so fingers crossed for this week and my pesky pound to disappear.
How are you doing?
Hold = hols lol x
heydont fret about your hols, it will be a very much derserved break, and a time for you to have fun and chillax...which means plenty of sun, sea, sangria and....anything else that takes your fancy
You have shown yourself you can lose the weight, so it will be easy peasy when you get home and back at work. Dont beat yourself up about the food while away, it will take some of the enjoyment out of it. Hope you have a blast!!!