Hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas and a nice rest! I'm having a lovely rest

Christmas dinner was the BEST, I really hope I can cook as good as my Mum one day!!! Got spoilt with presies too, so all in all a good one!
Well I have eaten so much it's just silly, I don't want to see another chocolate again lol. I've not drunk a lot though, I feel really off alcohol at the mo which is weird. I'm dreading getting on the scales, totm is close and I feel like a whale. Wouldn't be surprised if I've put half a stone on

but it will soon come off! I've just had a really harsh word with myself.. past couple of months I've not been great at this and I need a really good kick up the backside! I really want to get to that 12 stone mark first then reevaluate goal and get to 11 and a half. I want to get back into my old clothes and feel better and more uncomfortable!! I feel soo uncomfortable in myself at the moment. I went shopping yesterday and I saw some lovely dresses, but all that are fitted around the middle and there's just no way I can get in one of them, not with my great big stomach. I got really upset and came back empty handed! My own fault though.
I'm going to weigh myself on Monday and see what the damage is, then get back on it. Going to stick to 25 points a day and will roll over what I don't eat each day, I will wi on a Saturday morning and have treat night on Saturday night. When I stuck to this before I lost the weight slowly but surely and have managed to keep it off, this is what I want to do

Bring it on. I'm going to make a food shop list later and work out what I'm going to eat. I hope I can do it!! I'm going to write down the reasons why I'm doing this and carry them around with me to look at when I feel I'm flagging. Another reason I want to stick to this is because I want to save money and want enough money by the end of next year to buy a house, I always save money when I'm dieting!!! Sorry I'm rambling on. Bring no another brilliant 2012
