Thanks so much ladies

you're all really lovely!! Felt quite ropey this morning, but after a cuppa I'm feeling much better than yesterday, throat really gone down. So hungry though I ended up eating, 2 toast with 2 eggs, a yoghurt, 2 crumpets with philadelphia and a glass of cranberry juice, lol!! So hungry. Not going to point today, not eaten for the past 2 days!! Ladies on another note.. and I hope nobody minds me bringing this up but I'm getting myself in a bit of a state, I've got my first smear test next week and I'm petrified. I've talked to a couple of my friends about it saying it's fine and not to worry, but I am BIG TIME, I'm worried it will hurt, feel weird and then I'll get in such a state I'll pass out or something. Sorry I know I'm being silly, but it's worrying me sick. Know I need it doing and have to but I'm bloody scared!! Help? Can anyone console me. Eeeek. Anyway hope everyone is having a nice day xxxxx