Journey to a healthier me
Yes looks good hun x
Yes Carly I agree on the discover values! Lol
Thanks sweety Hehehe xx
Yes looks good hun x
Yes Carly I agree on the discover values! Lol
Snack a jack curls are fab!! drooling at the thought of them.hehe xx
Oo ikea mballs nice! I love the dime bar cake!! Yummy lol
How ru today?
loving the sound of the fish cake...details??? hehe hope you are doing ok
wow well done you!!! ace you are chuffed to bits I lost 1/2 lb which shocked the life outta me cos ive had a rough week lol...just shows though....we really CAN do it
Well done girlie that is FAB-U-LOSS , im so cheesy hehe,
Just wanted to say thanks for all your support, :hug99:x x x