Hiya Bride, hope you're managing to stay strong. Weirdly (given that I work in an M&S food hall!!) I find it easier at work than at homexx
Hiya Bride, hope you're managing to stay strong. Weirdly (given that I work in an M&S food hall!!) I find it easier at work than at homexx
Hope you're having a lovely weekend Bride xx
Hope your having a nice weekend bride and managing to stay on track, it'll be worth it at the weigh in.
Hi BZ. Hope you're having a brilliant weekend. We all have ups and downs, me more than others! You've done well to still lose 2lb. Wish I could say that! I find it easier at home than at work too!
Thanks gp! Still going strong..how you are too xx gosh.....not sure how you make it through work each day xx
Glad to have you back bride, hope alls going well x
Hope you have a good day, hang in there you it'll get easier after a day or two.