Barb's going at it a little differently!

I am doing it! Thank you Bubblesgalore! All support so very much appreciated.

Great day yesterday - really feel so completely focused. Spooky in the evening though, went out with some very good friends, both very much on the chunky side. He looked the same but she had very obviously lost some weight. Anyway, we enjoyed a nice Thai meal - all steamed stuff for me, small portions, no prawn crackers, no after dinner mint and I drove so it was sparkling water for me! As we left i said to my friend how well she looked. She said she had lost 2.5 stone and the reason? High blood sugar after a fasting glucose test!

So, as well as being thrilled for her I felt totally inspired for me.

Looking forward to being a little bit healthier every day. I can do this.
yes Barb, you can and will do this! :)

You did so well in your food choices with your meal out. So glad your friend has inspired you, now there will be no stopping you!

I too am on the wrong side of 40 (ahem..cough!) and just recently realised I too don't want, and definately won't achieve, a body like a fit 20 year old, I just want to be healthy, happy, comfortable and look 'normal' :eek:..for my age :rolleyes:

Pleased you plan to post often, I look forward to chatting with you.

Have a great Thursday :D
Thanks Rose, yes, it just shows what can be done when someone is determined.

You are so right, normal would be great. Not the biggest person in the room, slowest person out walking, person seeking out the biggest sizes in M&S! Those things and many more.

You have a good day to Rose.
Just had my first afternoon cup of tea without a biscuit! I know that doesn't sound that amazing but it is a first for me!

Hurrah, who needs biscuits? Not me!
Hi Barb, cant believe ive missed you all this time. Isnt it scary how we a d all a ticking time bomb, we know it, and yet it takes for it to really touch us for us to realise its real. Fags play to you. You sound so motivated. Xxx
Thanks Bubbles, you are so right, it is the little changes that will all add up.

Clarri, lovely to hear from you, you are on the button there, I needed that kick, it was painful but I needed it.

Fab day yesterday, good choices all day, no biscuits, no choc, no high cal/high fat food at all. Just really healthy good stuff and I feel better already.

Bring on Friday, I'm ready for it!
No worries Clarri! xxxx
Friday was good. Normally there is a real TFIF feel in our house which results in chips and dips and wine before dinner, a high cal dinner with wine and often an after dinner drink or two. Not last night. Despite feeling a bit stressed and very tired, I stuck with my low cal choices and only had a small amount of wine.

Very pleased, bring on day 5.
I like that idea Clarri, didn't know I had a resistance muscle but I am glad I have.
A very good day again, drank more wine than I should have in the evening but not too bad. A very low cal day as i was going out for dinner, so factored that in. Then my dinner choices were sensible and good too.

This morning I had a cup of tea with nothing with it. No biscuits, no banana, nothing. It's a first. Feels amazing, I can do this.
Thanks Clarri, I really am.

It's weird, I'm not even thinking about actual weighing. It's all about what I am eating to be healthier, so am, for the first time ever, on a 'diet' but not obsessed about actual weight. Weird. But good I think. Haven't weighed myself since day 1!
Hi Barb
glad to hear it is all going well. Must be so liberating not worrying about weighing yourself and just knowing that every decision you make is leading to a healthier you! I know I become obsessed about it sometimes and jump on the scales at least three times a day!!! I have actually asked OH to hide them before just so I cant!
Hope you are having a great Sunday!
Ah ha, I see Bubbles, I was a bit confused!

You are right though, it is weird being unbothered about the numbers. Normally all I seem to do is weigh, but I know I am doing the right thing to get results, so why worry?

I just made the most amazing Chicken tikka kebabs in my halogen cooker(my new toy!). Served with steamed rice and salad, delish!
Woke up feeling good - joints all very painful but I am used to that. I just have this feeling of change in me that is so empowering.

I feel I the kissed goodbye to all my old repetitive thoughts that meant I would sabotage myself sooner or later. I have not had a biscuit for a week. I cannot believe that. No sweets or chocolate.

I feel so much more alert, not sluggish and down. As if (bear with me, I know this sounds a bit new age guru mad womanish) my body is saying 'thank you' for stopping eating sugary rubbish!

I will weigh in tomorrow, I think once a week is reasonable, it will be interesting to see the results.