Hi Emz
I know I could do well if i really put my mind to it but I am struggling tbh. I am very pre-occupied with eating as soon as I decide to limit myself, it's crazy.
I am really excited about the holiday though, it will do me and DH a lot of good to be just us two for a week. He has been so completely fantastic whilst Dad was so ill and then when he died, that i feel he deserves some spoiling too.
Do you ever think wouldn't it be great if weight was just irrelevant? If we could just be happy as we are. If we lived in a society that didn't judge us on how big or small we are? Sometimes I read through the pages on here, look at all the struggling that goes on, the beating up of ourselves that we all do and i find myself thinking what a bloomin' shame.
Hey ho, this is how it is though, so I must crack on with trying to do that damn belt up!