Battle of the bulge

Okay.... I'm extremely stunned to say that I've lost 7lb already! And it's not official weigh day until Monday! Its amazing! Can't believe it. I'm now 11st 9lb WOOOOO HOOOOO! Only one lb to go, and I'm in new territory as I got down to 11st 8lb in July.
Well done hun :) this plan is amazing Xx
MrsGlas81 said:
Okay.... I'm extremely stunned to say that I've lost 7lb already! And it's not official weigh day until Monday! Its amazing! Can't believe it. I'm now 11st 9lb WOOOOO HOOOOO! Only one lb to go, and I'm in new territory as I got down to 11st 8lb in July.

Fantastic! That's the way to do it!

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RebekahR said:
Well done hun :) this plan is amazing Xx

It is isn't it? I bloomin love it! I keep thinking, it I do it gradually, ie a month on, then a break and another month on, I will eventually get to where I want to be. So excited! It's almost like a complete change of life.
Its great, so much happier, Ive got two months left and I'm ready to refeed, Glad your getting on so well :)
Keep going hun!
Day 6 and another lb down..... 11st 8lb! 8lb off and I don't weigh til Monday. This is amazing! I'm now in uncharted territory....
Yipeee amazing, well done hun Xx
MrsGlas81 said:
Day 6 and another lb down..... 11st 8lb! 8lb off and I don't weigh til Monday. This is amazing! I'm now in uncharted territory....

Way to go missus!

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Oh my Gosh that's amazing! Well done x
Well, today has been a BAD day. I've cheated a bit. Tucked into the kids KFC at lunch time, and just had some chocolate. Only had one pack so far today, not sure what to do.. Whether to just have one more or what? Anyone know?!
Just draw a line and continue your day as if it never happened

Back on the wagon Xx
RebekahR said:
Just draw a line and continue your day as if it never happened

Back on the wagon Xx

Thanks RebekahR. Feel so silly! I know it happens... I've done it before, but you still feel silly!
We all have slip ups I've had plenty the last four months!! Crack on.. the only way is downwards on those scales Xx
As Rebekah said Hun just carry on with the plan, once I ate 5 or 6 bars in one go when on s&s I felt like I had blown it and told myself I might aswell eat crap now but just got back on the plan and by some miracle stayed in ketosis x
Thank you both for your replies. I nibbled on some chicken at tea time, just had a bar - so that makes one shake and a bar today, and that's me done. New week (weigh in) tomorrow. Bet I've put on. But serves me right if I have. Just ordered 28 of the cookies and cream / toffee shakes off eBay so that's me set for another month :) so its just like starting week one again - and until today, I had lost those 8lb already. So the line has been drawn, roll on another 6lb and thatll be two stone shifted since July. FAB!!

Nysa, that's good that even after what you are you stayed in ketosis - I'm never sure if I actually ever get into ketosis, apart from getting cold hands/feet, I don't notice anything else!
MrsGlas81 said:
Thank you both for your replies. I nibbled on some chicken at tea time, just had a bar - so that makes one shake and a bar today, and that's me done. New week (weigh in) tomorrow. Bet I've put on. But serves me right if I have. Just ordered 28 of the cookies and cream / toffee shakes off eBay so that's me set for another month :) so its just like starting week one again - and until today, I had lost those 8lb already. So the line has been drawn, roll on another 6lb and thatll be two stone shifted since July. FAB!!

Nysa, that's good that even after what you are you stayed in ketosis - I'm never sure if I actually ever get into ketosis, apart from getting cold hands/feet, I don't notice anything else!

Ohh let me know how those shakes teste as it says the last mouthful can be salty but don't want to risk buying them yet lol

I think I only knew I was in ketosis as my mum gagged and said my breath smelt of dig crap, I couldn't smell a thing lol x
nyssa88 said:
Ohh let me know how those shakes teste as it says the last mouthful can be salty but don't want to risk buying them yet lol

I think I only knew I was in ketosis as my mum gagged and said my breath smelt of dig crap, I couldn't smell a thing lol x

I've tried the toffee and the cookies and cream (mum bought a stash and gave me a pack of each to try) and both are okay, haven't tried the raspberry yet, but mum says that's the one which you notice the salt in more, and it is only really the last mouthful that you notice the granules in the bottom of the glass.

Lol -I've prob been walking round with dog breath all week and not realised! Great look for a dental nurse! Lol!