Battle of the bulge

Ok, so first official weigh in, and it's a 7lb loss! Fab. So I'm currently 11st9lb (1 lb on due to yesterday). But still, 7lb in one week is more than I imagined. About to try the raspberry flavoured shake. I don't like the red fruits one so I'm not holding out much hope for this! Lol!
So today went okay. The raspberry shake wasn't really to my taste, but I wasnt expecting it to be really. But I've managed today fine, starving now tho despite 4 packs. Just done a 5 mile walk and need to combat these hunger pains!
MrsGlas81 said:
So today went okay. The raspberry shake wasn't really to my taste, but I wasnt expecting it to be really. But I've managed today fine, starving now tho despite 4 packs. Just done a 5 mile walk and need to combat these hunger pains!

Excellent! 5 miles sounds great, well done you. I haven't tried the raspberry one, not sure I should..

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Day 9 and all going well :) been doing some ebaying and got a nice amount saved on paypal, so may get another months worth stocked up - I feel like I'm on a roll, I would LOVE to see 10st13 or lower on the scales, not sure if its do-able as I've got a large frame, but to see it would be AMAZE BALLS!
Day 10. Can't say I've been very good. I've been eating sweets. So I missed a pack. Must try harder. The scales did see the number tick down to 11st 7 and 3/4lb today tho! Been shopping as well, got some nice new stuff. Can't wait to flaunt it!
Another 1/2 lb gone over night. So 11st7.25lb today. Hope I can get thru today without cheating. Got to work late so at least I bypass the kids tea time which is usually my downfall. Worked out I still have 4 weeks worth of packs and I only want to lose another 7lb really, so any extra ontop of those 7lb will be a miracle. I can't remember when I was last under 11stone. Probably when I was at school, and im 31 now. it's so exciting!
Ok so another day done, no major slip ups! Lol! Giving blood tomorrow tho, does anyone know if it's ok to do so whilst on this diet?
MrsGlas81 said:
Ok so another day done, no major slip ups! Lol! Giving blood tomorrow tho, does anyone know if it's ok to do so whilst on this diet?

No idea on the giving blood, but well done! I have enough to keep going for 4 weeks as well, would like to get ino the 10 stone Range and then get fit!
Well done on no major slips!

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biggusburdus said:
No idea on the giving blood, but well done! I have enough to keep going for 4 weeks as well, would like to get ino the 10 stone Range and then get fit!
Well done on no major slips!

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Thank you. How far have you got to go? I'm on the iPad so can't see stats.
Ok... So today, has been different. I was really good up until this afternoon, then I gave blood and was forced to have some biscuits as I wasn't allowed out otherwise! I then nibbled on some of the kids red pepper followed by a brief function in our city, where I had a small glass of wine. I've had 2 shakes so far, of course, giving blood if different to the norm, but I'm not sure whether to have the remaining two as I've been naughty, or one?! Dilemma!
Morning! Wow! Another overnight loss... 11st 5.5lb this morning! I guess giving blood helps! I only had the two packs yesterday, so will be back to normal today. The end is in sight - 5.5lb to goal, and still 3.5 weeks worth of packs to consume.... How much more can I lose in that time?!
Well done hun

Your doing great. In just under 4 weeks a stone or just under I should think.

If you only have 5lb to go, start to refeed in two weeks

RebekahR said:
Well done hun

Your doing great. In just under 4 weeks a stone or just under I should think.

If you only have 5lb to go, start to refeed in two weeks


Thanks :) want to go slightly under target if I can. How do I refeed? Is it on the website? X
S&s do have one on the website or you can use any other vlcd one.

I've built my own using a combination of Cambridge refeed and competition diet. Will see how that works next month LOL

You can read up on the options on their sections x
:( stupid me. Caved in last night and had a takeaway. Just a curry and salad. But even so, the damage is done. Line is drawn. Here's to today.
Don't worry hun
Two more weeks in the zone your so close

Have a good day Xx
RebekahR said:
Don't worry hun
Two more weeks in the zone your so close

Have a good day Xx

I know, thank you :) I am just kicking myself as this time yesterday I couldn't believe the scales. Stupid stupid me!
I'm the same, see a new low and sabotage myself!

Forget it and crack on Xx
RebekahR said:
I'm the same, see a new low and sabotage myself!

Forget it and crack on Xx

Aww thanks. That's why I need this forum. For lovely people like you to steer me in the right direction. Thank you x