Beans Food Diary

Breakfast in work:)


Just checking in to see that your ok!

your food looks lush - I should of taken a Photo of the tea I had lst night it was huge.

I cooked the Creamy chicken and bacon pasta sald out of the EE cookbook - 1/2 syn but reaaly yummy.....

Will be doing it again - hubby reckons there was too much food but it was a serves 8 and I divided it all down to serve two...

Have a good day


Lol might have been a tad too much eating 4 servings lol.

Glad your well! I am too.

Being super good this week and going to get weighed on Friday so fingers crossed Im nearing that 11 stone mark! Would love to be down there soon lol x
Having the worst day ever!!!

Was ok until i got home from work and has just got worse all night. Didn't even enjoy spin tonight!! Don't even feel like I've worked out. Someone stole my space and i had to use the instructors bike!! Cringe!! Dropped my bottle half way through too!! I couldnt get my shoes clipped into the pedals either. Cringe again. My mil and fil were here earlier doing a bit of shjt stirring!!! started off so well too. Actually felt happy with myself for approx 2 hours lol!
Having the worst day ever!!!

Was ok until i got home from work and has just got worse all night. Didn't even enjoy spin tonight!! Don't even feel like I've worked out. Someone stole my space and i had to use the instructors bike!! Cringe!! Dropped my bottle half way through too!! I couldnt get my shoes clipped into the pedals either. Cringe again. My mil and fil were here earlier doing a bit of shjt stirring!!! started off so well too. Actually felt happy with myself for approx 2 hours lol!

Aw, sorry you've had a crap day. In laws never make for a happy day lol ;) Tomorrow can only get better. You spinning again tomorrow? I'm thinking I might go after work for my second of the week! xxx
Thanks missy! Feeling much better today.

Im at kettle bells today! Spin next 4 days! Eek!! Lol.

I keep seeing gym offers on groupon! Not sure if that's any use to u tho lol.

Im shattered today! Need a good kick up the arse lol x
Wednesday 20th February 2013

Breakfast - fruit and yogurt

Snack - tea

Lunch - chicken fried rice and salad

Snack - tea

Dinner - baked potato with cheese and beans and chicken salad and mayo (1.5)

Snacks - alpen light and milky bar (3.5)

healthy extras used on cheese and alpen light

Total syns: 5

Exercise - 45 kettle bells
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Consider your self kicked.

I'm doing a spinathon for charity Sat March 16th - 3 hours worth - deep joy and sore bum!! ha ha. Still anything to burn those cals..

Couldnt get into tonights class again argh! driving me round the bend might think of going to a sister club (where no-one knows my name) just to get a spin class in.

Do those shoes that fit on the pedals any good?

Food looks good as always

Keep it up let no-one stay in your way!...



Consider your self kicked.

I'm doing a spinathon for charity Sat March 16th - 3 hours worth - deep joy and sore bum!! ha ha. Still anything to burn those cals..

Couldnt get into tonights class again argh! driving me round the bend might think of going to a sister club (where no-one knows my name) just to get a spin class in.

Do those shoes that fit on the pedals any good?

Food looks good as always

Keep it up let no-one stay in your way!...



Lol thank you kat!! Needed that ha ha.

Omg you're game, 3 hours. You'll be like jelly when u step off ha ha.

Yes i thought they were really good. I ordered mine off sports direct. They were the cheapest. Ill have a good go with them over next 4 days now as thats me spinning till Monday. Does my head in when i can't get in!!

Thanks for the motivation! It really helps x
3 hours of spin - OMG! I would be dead so hats off to you!

I did an extra spin this eve as can't make my usual Saturday spin. Tempted to try a lunchtime spin which I think officially makes me mental haha ;)
Its so addictive. The amount of people that are saying to me they are going 3-7 times a week is unreal lol.

Do u get off peak rates? If so id be squeezing in a few lunch times if u can instead of evening lol. Home early and its cheaper lol xc
Its so addictive. The amount of people that are saying to me they are going 3-7 times a week is unreal lol.

Do u get off peak rates? If so id be squeezing in a few lunch times if u can instead of evening lol. Home early and its cheaper lol xc

I've actually managed to join now so it's all good! It's a council gym so no on/off peak, you just go whenever. They do a spin at 6 most evenings so perfect for after work. Gonna have a swim tomorrow for a change though I think :)
Ooh yay! Im sure you're delighted! My gym is a council leisure centre too. They do on and off peak rates. You'll never be out of it now lol. I love it being "free" then u can just go when u want xx
Thursday 21st February 2013

Breakfast - chopped banana with a mandarin mullerlight and an alpen light sprinkled over the top

Snack - tea, orange dilute juice and grapes

Lunch - baked potato with beans and salad and a chicken breast

Snack - tea

Dinner - pasta n sauce (1) with chopped and fried ham and salad and some veg

Snacks - flake (7) and it was divine!!!

healthy extras used on alpen light and milk for tea

Total syns: 8

Exercise - 45 spin
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Mines a council one too - I did think of doing a lunchtime one but I have to go back to work- so I thought it would be unkind to sit there sweating....ha ha.

Plan of exercise is Monday am - Spin, Tuesday Eve - Body Pump, Wed Eve (if I can get in - Spin) or Wed, Thurs of Fri Swim in the morning. if I dont get up I will try and fit in something at the weekend.

Good luck everyone..


Ha ha ha @ the sweating kat! If u seen me after a spin class you'd ring an ambulance lol. They wouldnt let me back into work!! Im about to go to spin now. Im going every day at the minute. 5 spin, 1 total body workout and 1 kettle bells. Frigging shattered tho lol. Im taking off next Thursday tho. Im trying to fit as much in as possible before i start fertility treatment again as ill have to take a month off exercise and hopefully longer if it works lol.