Well done on the loss becktoria, and glad you finally got to the doctors and got some tablets. At least its something that can be treated and isn't too serious. I must admit vertigo is one of the those conditions you hear people talk about but i have absolutely no idea what it *actually* is. Me thinks I should take Sarah's lead and do some googling...
Shame about the stomach cramps and loss of appetite. I had a couple of days like that just over a month ago, it was on a week when I had really cut back on carbs so was eating far more vegetables than usual (and I always eat a fair few of them). I ended up having a half a baked potato and a few beans for tea on the 3rd day of feeling like it as I really didn't fancy food at all and that seemed to do the trick as I felt fine the next day. Have you had far less or far more of anything in your diet over the last few days? Could it be something similar?