Becktoria's simply filling food diary

Good luck for weigh-in tonight, I am sure you will do fine.

Dinner sounds lovely. Must try that at some point.
Well the bad news is I gained 3lb. The good news is I'm still under 11st. Just. 10:13 I weighed. It wobbled at 10:12.5 for a second but obviously didn't feel like being too kind!
I think I'm gonna have to re-evaluate my goal of being 10:7 for this wedding I'm going to on June 9th (2 and 3/4 weeks away). It's highly unlikely I'll lose 6lb by then given I average 1.5lb losses when I'm good. So I'm gonna try to get to 10:9. That's 4lb and it will also be my lowest weight in 10 years. I'm gonna keep at 26 dailies too as I've managed ok with that this week - except for the ice cream fest!
Only thing is possible meal out with the boyf tomorrow as he is going away for another stag weekend on Thursday and having girls round on fri but already planned on ww recipe for Thai green curry and I'll be good with drinks to avoid hangover as mother coming on sat. So tomorrow is really only obstacle I foresee and better to have that at start of the week than the middle or end eh? X
Sorry to hear about the loss, but sure that will be gone in no time at all. You were under so much stress with the inspection last week and that can make your body hold on to calories so suspect that may have something to do with it rather than just what you ate.

It seems sensible to re-adjust your target for the wedding, I know its difficult when you get a goal like that in your head but no-one apart from you is going to know whether you reach 10st9 or 10st7 for the wedding. And you never know you might end up making the original target anyway.
Sorry bout the gain beck! U never no if u stick to it 100% this week that gain may just come right off! Even if u only make it to 10.9 its still good and u won't see much difference in ur clothes being 10.9 as u would 10.7! I think u did very well last couple wks seeing as u had a whole lot of pressure hanging over u!
Thanks guys, 2lb isn't much difference and better to change it to something achievable than to work hard and feel like a failure!
I'll also hit the gym lots to help my body shape, I'm feeling so much better now so back to gym tomorrow.
Just sat down to a yummy meal with my boyf and he's trying to lose weight too so we've agreed to go for a meal next mon after he gets back from Berlin and after WI so have a whole week to be good!
Nomes I think what I'll do is a mix of pp and sf days but on pp days keep the meals as mainly sf foods, this should mean I'm eating better but portions will be controlled etc. Xx
Hey! Don't worry about the gain! New week fresh point! No point looking back! Look straight ahead and get a loss next week!

Hope your feeling okay about it?
Sounds like you have a master plan for dealing with it I'm sure it will be off again in no time x
Plan for today;

Day 1 26 dailies 49 weeklies

B- grapefruit
Soya milk-1
Dried fruit-1

L- chick pea and goats cheese salad- 6pp

T- chicken stuffed with Philadelphia, wrapped in Parma ham-6pp
Home made chips-5pp
Steam veg -1pp

Exercise- 1hr in gym

Total 24pp

That is the plan. We will see how it turns out. I might make mash instead of chips.

Hope you all have a good day. X
Looks good beck
Advice please. Was feeling pretty good last night but my cold is back and I'm not feeling terrible but my nose is runny, a bit sore and have a slight tickly cough. Nothing major though. I want to go to gym as need to get back on it but worried that I'll make myself worse health wise or will it help me get better? What do you guys think? Xx
I was told by someone the other day that exercising whilst poorly can make u really ill but then when I had a chesty cough the other week I started my cross trainer and it seemed to get better, don't no if it's coincidence that it went or if it was the exercise! Sorry I'm not much help
I've been poorly for a month with a cold and dr told me not to exercise while ill. Ur body needs to recover. I think I made myself worse cus I exercised wiv a sore throat and now I can't get rid of it. I would advise not to exercise unless u want to be ill forever as in my case.
Aww Mitch that's not good that you're still ill. Hopefully you'll recover soon. I've just spoken to my colleague who is quite sporty and she says prob best not as it can transport germs through the body faster, so I deffo think I'll give it a miss tonight. X
Hmm well when I have a cold and go running it all comes up! Pretty gross! But next day I'm always fine! I guess it depends how poorly you are!

And your like me.... Plan a day then change your mind!
The soup sounds tasty tho :)
Well I'm not thaaaat poorly but now I'm in mindset of not going so I'm not going. I'm sooo lazy but I don't fancy being on the cross trainer with snot running down me face either! Haha!
I am having to rethink my tea as someone keeps buying sodding biscuits at work and today was hard as boss was off and I was in charge, this is always stressful! So I have 8pp left for tea. I am gonna have the chicken but no potatoes, just asparagus and carrots. Then I'll be dead on my dailies. I have also planned my week til mon, with the boyf away I can be a bit more flexible in what I eat, it doesn't have to contain meat! I've got 3 SF days planned. I've not done sf properly for aaaages! X