Becky's Diet Diary

Well done on the steps! Plenty of time for more again! Do you know if walking 10000 steps is proven to lose weight? It's like a magic number talked about all the time and what my FitBit set me as a goal.

A lot is said about 10,000 steps being a good target. ... I can't hit it without going for a long walk so I guess there is something in that. ... it's approx 5 miles and walking 5 miles every day is sure to burn plenty of calories. ...I don't eat mine back so in theory should lose on that alone...I'm aiming for maintain calories now (1800 for sedentary ) so if I do have any losses in theory that would be down to walking /exercise alone. ...
Just posted this on fb. ..I could barely do these up last summer! !!!


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I was laughing when I was going through my wardrobe. ...had a major clear out!

I always say I can't see how much I've lost but I was pulling out clothes and I was shocked at the size of them....Sent some very funny pictures to my mum and my sister. ....The challenge now is to try and fit my 8 year old daughter in them with me! !!!!
Amazing! It's the best indicator of weight loss and really shows how far you've come!
I've planned my food including snacks for today and I'm only at 1500! Really struggling to eat up to 1800 because I've been at 1200 for so long!

Think I might restart my graze boxes as some of them have quite a few calories for a snack. ....

Still looking like I'll have a little loss this week so not far off the final goal which probably won't take long when I'm under calories and doing 10k steps a day!

Might have a takeaway at the weekend
You look fantastic in that pic! Must be amazing to be so so close to your goal weight!

Thanks zeke

I needed something else to work on now as I need a focus and a goal. ... so I've decided I'm selling my house now! The next few days are going to be spent on epic house cleaning /painting etc ready to put it on the market next week! !!!
Arrgh. ...missed my morning Snack as wasn't hungry. ..missed my afternoon Snack as I was in a meeting. ... even with tonight's dinner I'm only on 1240 for the day!
Not hit my steps today as been busy at work then busy sorting stuff at home. ...been running up and down the stairs though and moving furniture around so will have burned a few calories. ...ending the day on 1400 calories so not quite at target but getting there!
Wow did you just decide today to sell your house? Are you upsizing, downsizing, moving area? How exciting! My husband shows me pictures of houses daily. He's trying to convince me we need a bigger house - we have a 4 bed detached house and only 3 of us live here! But good on you for having a new focus. x
Wow did you just decide today to sell your house? Are you upsizing, downsizing, moving area? How exciting! My husband shows me pictures of houses daily. He's trying to convince me we need a bigger house - we have a 4 bed detached house and only 3 of us live here! But good on you for having a new focus. x

It was kind of a quick decision. ..but that's how I am! I've made my mind up so it's got to happen!

My husband and I separated last January and I was going to buy him out of the house but he is being really difficult about it so I've decided to just move on!

We're in a 4 bedroomed house and it's only me and my daughter so it's too big for us! Going to get something much smaller

I'm so excited! Just want it all to happen now but I know it will take a while to get it all sorted!
0.4lbs off this morning which considering I'm eating more calories is pretty good! 0.8lbs to go to goal so maybe by the end of this month if I carry on like this week ☺

Had a really good sleep last night, although I ache this morning from running up and down the stairs and lifting heavy furniture!

More sorting tonight then and epic clean Friday and painting on Saturday!
Oops...just had a KFC! I've hit by calories for today at least!

Was so busy sorting out rooms I couldn't be bothered to cook!

Got to get back on with it now!
Ooh KFC - it's always one of those things I fancy but then never really enjoy! If you've been busy all day you must have smashed your steps goal!

Have you been looking for anywhere else to live yet?
Oops...just had a KFC! I've hit by calories for today at least! Was so busy sorting out rooms I couldn't be bothered to cook! Got to get back on with it now!

Sounds busy but I am sure it will all be worth it once you are somewhere new that you can make home x
Ooh KFC - it's always one of those things I fancy but then never really enjoy! If you've been busy all day you must have smashed your steps goal!

Have you been looking for anywhere else to live yet?

I've looked online and found some lovely little houses that will be perfect. I'm not going to view any though until I've got an offer on mine because I don't want to set my heart on something and then lose it!
Sounds busy but I am sure it will all be worth it once you are somewhere new that you can make home x

Definitely, I'm really excited for a fresh start!