Becky's Herbalife Diary

Thank you all... Once I feel better I will be getting my bum back to the gym and that will get me feeling better again x
Make sure you are completely better too, i went today and did just under 40 mins on the hill on treadmill and tbh i shouldn't have gone, keep feeling dizzy today!

Rest up, you'll only make yourself worse in the long run xx
Make sure you are completely better too, i went today and did just under 40 mins on the hill on treadmill and tbh i shouldn't have gone, keep feeling dizzy today!

Rest up, you'll only make yourself worse in the long run xx

I will do hun, maybe the back end of the week x
Hope u feel better soon honey :) your doing fab dont worry xox
Good :)

Keep meaning to say you look fab in your pic, the little i can see of your dress looks like my kind of dress hehe. was it a wedding?

Thank you! No it was taken at my crimbo doo...


hope you feel better soon hun. I always dread being on a diet and being poorly they don't mix well but your doing great.

it's just food at the end of the day you would of felt gutted if you did....Just think of those 9's and what it was like to be in them. you know you can do it which ever way you decide to do it xx
hope you feel better soon hun. I always dread being on a diet and being poorly they don't mix well but your doing great.

it's just food at the end of the day you would of felt gutted if you did....Just think of those 9's and what it was like to be in them. you know you can do it which ever way you decide to do it xx

Thank you lovely and you are so right xxx
I picked up my new scales today and I told John that they measured your body water and body fat, he couldn't wait to get on them it was so funny!!!

I drink between 4-6 pints of water a day and he only really drinks tea. My plate is always colourful veggies and his is the complete opposite. Any way his water % came out at 52 % and his target for his age is 55%

So, he is sat at the side of me drinking red wine and eating savoury snacks and I am sat with a glass of water???

The moral of he story is.... !!!!!
Thank you lovely and you are so right xxx

keep focused

listen to me a couple of days ago I was all over the shot x
I picked up my new scales today and I told John that they measured your body water and body fat, he couldn't wait to get on them it was so funny!!!

I drink between 4-6 pints of water a day and he only really drinks tea. My plate is always colourful veggies and his is the complete opposite. Any way his water % came out at 52 % and his target for his age is 55%

So, he is sat at the side of me drinking red wine and eating savoury snacks and I am sat with a glass of water???

The moral of he story is.... !!!!!

Can't believe you've resisted when someone else has used them!! Hats off x
Can't believe you've resisted when someone else has used them!! Hats off x

He's just said to me, aren't you getting on them?!! Am I heck not after 5 pints of water 2 glasses of diet coke, 2 shakes, 2 cups of tea and my chilli salad!!!!

I might be tempted in the morning mind ;-) x
He's just said to me, aren't you getting on them?!! Am I heck not after 5 pints of water 2 glasses of diet coke, 2 shakes, 2 cups of tea and my chilli salad!!!!

I might be tempted in the morning mind ;-) x

No1 will blame you!!

:) xx
when do you weigh in? x!
try not to think about it. I got scales for crimbo and I don't think about it but then again I'm boxing up so cannot see them lol. ah I hope you get a massive loss x
So today...

10.30am cookies and cream shake and herbal tea

1pm Tuna

3pm chocolate shake with hazelnut milk and herbal tea

4.30pm protein bar (whilst everybody else was eating choccy biccies!)

6.45pm chilli and salad, herbal tea

We went to the pub before dinner and I even just drank diet coke, the landlord wondered if there was something wrong with me!

Have also had 5 pints of water and squash

So, by hook or by crook, day 5 is complete!!

Thank you for your support earlier when I had my wobble x