Becoming a slinky bride (even if it means no wedding cake!)

Hi there, ranting always allowed and probably always necessary! It's also rather nice to show people success - then it doesn't really matter what they say:D
Good luck and keep going!

Thanks Hun! I think he gets it now lol.
So today I ate:

2 eggs scrambled with butter, 4 bits of streaky bacon

2 Tbsp Philadelphia with pepperami hot and a cheese string

Rump steak, small salad, mushrooms, mayo

And did my first kettlebell training session. Ouch! But good. X
Menu sounds good, hmmm steak! I must have that next week! Well done on kettlebells! xxx
Hi :) hope the weekend is going well
I'm back!!! Sorry I've been I'll for the last three weeks and changing jobs so just completely forgot about everything! On the upside my weight stayed the same even though I was off plan, on the down side I still have a stone to lose before I go for my wedding dress fitting at the end of march. Been back on induction for 3 days now so will weight myself in a week and a bit.
Woohoo I had my first dress fitting and the designer is officially making it two sizes smaller then when I originally picked it. So happy love Atkins. Now I've got 4 months to lose 2 more dress sizes which will make me a size 12 on my wedding day. The dress can be taken in by two sizes without it compromising the dress structure. And I'm in the middle of training for a 10k so feeling very very good xx