So I obviously didnt weigh today. No point. I will weigh on Sunday for the week.
So my Aunt sent me an email last night and it appears they are trying to get financing for my Granny to go into a hospice. And apparently "it will only be for about 2 months". So I asked my Aunt what she meant by that he way of saying that's what theyve told my Granny she has left?
So....the end is coming. Im not totally sure how I feel. I guess because I dont just feel one way or another about it. Its all a mish-mash. Sudden deaths and deaths after long illnesses are very different beasts. My cousin killed himself when he was 23 (in 2000) and that was breath-takingly shocking and just...I dunno. I went into shock. Im not really sure I ever recovered. We were raised (him, his sister and me) more like siblings. We all very close when we were younger. So it was really was more like my brother. Anyway. That was painful and shocking and just...something one never really gets over fully. totally different. Even though both result in the physical end of the person I love. Anyway. I was thinking about her after I read the email from my Aunt at ridiculous o'clock this morning. Think about her through my life (and hers) and what I will remember. How I will remember her. And its fully of life. And love. And strength. And the inability to do a single thing wrong. Ever. Ever ever. She could cook/bake ANYTHING, sew anything, do any craft, fix anything, grow anything.She was independent but she loved. So fully. She took care of everyone she loved. The Ultimate mother. And funnily enough, over the past year or so...she has totally gone off eating meat. This is a Southern woman who was raised on a farm! It was normal and natural to farm the land but also animals. But of late, she has decided that it is totally unnecessary for us to kill another living thing in order to eat it when there are "plenty of other, good, healthy, tasty things to eat in the world!". And she's so right. lol This means so much to me. I love that she isnt your typical southern old lady....she's not ignorant. Anyway Im proud of her. Im proud to be of her. Im going to miss so much having her on this earth. But Im also going to be very happy when she is no longer suffering.
So I have woken up this morning. This in itself is such a gift, right? My babies on either side of me. Smiling. Full of love and adoration. And I need to be here for them. And teach them how to be....give them an example....therefore:
I got up and did our normal routine. We go into the kitchen and get them each their banana and then go into the living room and put Cbeebies on while I make their breakfast. I made breakfast for them and hubby. Once they were all settled and sorted, I set about boiling the eggs for the day. Hubby likes to have one in the evening for his supper now that he is dieting...and its far better than a slice of bread (his other grab and go fave. bleh!) so I like to make sure he has one...and I boil a couple for myself. Zoe likes them too so I boiled one for her today too. Then I made this....
3 packs (got me 24!) of Exante blueberry pancakes. This (along with 1 or 2 eggs) is ALL of my food for today. When this is empty, I am done. So I need to make it last and space it out.
Ive also started on my water, had pint early on. Still want to get a full 3 litres in today though, so Im working on that now.
Ive also decided, no more meat, again. None. I dont care if its easier when we go out to just have chicken. I will either not go (preferable lol) or i will have salad and instead of chicken, I will have it plain or ask for some cheese instead. I am just going to get through the rest of this diet and get on with my friggin life already. Seriously. Im so over pissing about.
So. Here we go.

The final push.
In other news....ugh. I have to go into town to Primark for some PJs for the girls. I looked in Marksies the other day and Im sorry but there is NO WAY on this earth I am paying a tenner for ONE pair of PJs for zoe. pfft. lol. And asda dont have the ones with shorts. I prefer those as she gets too hot in long bottoms. but she has to have something on the bottom or she takes her nappy off. LOL
So i dunno when Im gonna go. Not today. Today Im going to just focus on being 100% and Im going to try to figure out what we should do on Sunday.
Have a good day all
