Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Woohoo. So far I have been perfect. Of course I have. I have NO DESIRE to delay the end of this diet any further. Ive had my pancakes ...a few for breakfast (with 1 egg) and some for lunch and a couple for afternoon snack a bit ago. I now have 10 left for dinner (with another egg) and 2 for a snack tonight. This is REALLY working well for me. I love it. I know what Ive got and thats all Ive got and BOOM.

:D :D
hahaha. yes. it totally is. depends on the day. depends on the MEAL. lol. although what i did today with the pancakes is the way forward for the rest of the week, at least. definitely. i know what i have...and its all ready and in there if a feeding frenzy strikes...but also, i know that if i do eat too many too soon it leaves me less (or none! lol) for later. so yeah. its awesome. at least until i get back into the zone, fully. today was a breeze. :)

was perfect yesterday.

3 eggs
3 pancakes


This morning, however, 220lbs - so I must have done quite a bit of damage the other night. between the binge and the krispy bueno. Needless to day I wont make my goal now for Sunday. But I know why and I cant change it now. I own it and am moving on. I will see where I am on Sunday and then re-jig my mini-goals (again!!) accordingly.

So. Im a little disappointed in myself but its fine. Im on it again today.

3 eggs
2 pancakes
1 spag bol

I had a thought....I dont want to buy more packs, if I can help it. And I LOVE these I need to kinda make them last so I can have at least ONE pack of them a day for the duration (LOL...myyy preeeciousss pancake) so I decided to swap out the 3rd pack of pancake for a pack of spag bol. same carbs - so I am still only having the 3 packs for the day...but it saves me a pack of my preciouseses. lol. Shouldnt make much difference at all. And the 2 packs of MAPLE (drool) pancakes gave me 16 pancakes. Ive had 2 with an egg for breakfast just now. I will have a few more around 10:30 if I feel hungry. Then about 6 for lunch with another egg and then that some for my afternoon snack around 3.30 :) Then spag bol for dinner. This really works so well.

Anyway. I hope this is still water weight and will keep coming off pretty fast, but Im not gonna get my hopes up. Will just focus on what I need to do and keep doing it.

We finally decided to go ahead with out original plan for Sunday. Im going to make her a cake and then we are going to dinner at Bella Italia around 4. After dinner, we will come home and do the cake. Then we will just plan some fun stuff with the girls for our trip to London for hubby's interview. I cant wait until we get the letter that tells us when that will be, so we can plan stuff. I LOVE planning. It freaks me out to NOT have a clear idea about whats exactly going on. lol. Hence why the pancakes in the morning and put in the fridge works so well for me, I guess! lol. I have it all laid out in front of me and I know exactly what I need to do. hahah. Im so nuts. :D

Anyway so, speaking of OCD CONTROL FREAK PLANNING :D haha... uhmm..this is what is going to happen on Sunday. I must not deviate. No...I WILL not deviate from this plan. :)

Im going to get up on Sunday morning and do our eggs as usual. I will have a couple of eggs in the morning and then crack on with starting Zoe's cake after ive done breakfast and the normal routine stuff. Then at lunch time I will have another egg or two. Then for dinner Im having a chicken salad they do (but with no chicken! maybe will ask for feta instead. And then will come home and do cake. I may have a tiny sliver but no more than that. I will save another slice for each of the girls for Monday morning's breakfast (its a tradition in our house, you get to have birthday cake for breakfast the day after your birthday! haha) and the rest will get binned. I think hubby is going to have a tiny sliver as well. So thats probably half a cake chucked out. But better that than letting it hinder my goals any further. :D And its not worth freezing. I dont have space in my tiny freezer and I dont want it in there anyway. lol.

So that will be Sunday. Monday, will be straight back on packs.

I would love to get back to 217 again by Sunday. Its a stretch, but thats kinda what Im hoping for. We'll see, I guess.

Have a lovely day, all!
spot on thus far. :) gave a couple of pancakes to the girls (man, they really love them! lol) but ive had my breakfast and lunch and still have 4 more pancakes for afternoon snack :) Thats when its really hardest. So Im sorted. And then spag bol for dinner. ace!
So ive just had a massive clean-up. This diary is for me. End of.


Ive been spot on again today. YAY. Just had my spag bol though...and Im still hungry. And I have no pancakes left. *sniff* I might end up having a bar if it gets desperate. LOL. But Im going to seriously try not to. :D Its already 5:48 so really...the girls will be going to bed in about an hour and a half or so. And then hubby and I are watching some more Breaking Bad on netflix. :D OH! Ive just remembered! I have strawberry sugar free jelly in the fridge. I will have that tonight! YUM!

Congrats on the 100% day.

Have you thought about doing cupcakes for her birthday - then letting her share them with friends and neighbors? DD loves to bake - we let her bake, retain what she will eat in a few days, then she distributes the rest to friends and neighbors. My friend's 25 year old stick thin son loves her baking - so, we like sending it his way.

Your girls would love Legoland. You can get transportation from London to Windsor. They have good hotel and park deals sometimes. band session with the kids lasted about three minutes before daughter had a paddy because she didn't want to play any of the ten instruments we offered her so now she's in the bath sniffling to herself lol!! then I've got to check for nits, so, ya know, living the dream!!!!!
Right. Well, I just bathed Zoe and then Tabby and then had a shower and attacked my fuzz with a scary non-venus razor. lol. Now Im in my PJs and about to have a cuppa and then get the kids to bed before heading to bed myself for a breaking bad sesh on netflix. Hooray! Im also living the dream.
i was wailing with hunger last night too, it was horrible,,OH was getting a bît annoyed haha. went to bed and powered through. we're human, we're supposed to be hungry sometimes, ain't no supermarkets where we evolved :) but me no likey