STS today. Which is fine after a 4lbs drop overnight and all of the off and on Ive been doing.

Poor body doesnt know if its coming or going lol
So. Yesterday was so busy omg.
Yes...she got just the pony. And the lady at the shop told me that one of them, Pinky Pie (gag) is only sold online and there arent many of them as she was the first one they brought out and they are phasing her out now. Also...they doing the Frozen characters at xmas!! Nevermind the child...MOMMY WANTS!! hahha
So we did that. And i got zoe some new shoes. OMG my girl is a 7.5G!! I had been cramming her sweet little tootsies into 6H shoes

poor bubs. To be fair...i did get a pair of size 7 sandals from next which she has worn most of the summer. So thats ok. for her. Pony for Tabby. And then I got some other bits and pieces. Then took them to lunch (and has my bar!) t McDs and we came home.
Ive been getting splits in my thumb for a few years now.,...every few weeks. My nails are crap (im sure ive mentioned this before) and I just got sick of it. So I went back into newcastle last night and got acrylics put on. I know theyre damaging. But i just couldnt stand the pain anymore and my own nails just arent strong enough and wont grow. Anyway...Im happy with them. Very short. And just..functional. Pretty too. LOL. They do actually make me feel a bit more femme. *batttttsss lashes* lol
So. Food yesterday was fine.
Today. Got up and did breakfast for them and got my coffee. Im going to finish that and then have water. Also. Exciting news....EXANTE is having a clearance sale again. I got a box of 50 apple and cinnamon porridge for 45 quid delivererd. You have to get the box from the clearance bit - which is marked down to £50 and then add on the 11% off voucher code - 11OFFBOXES - and it marks it down for you further. I then chose the standard delivery for 1.49 because im not in a hurry. So thats me sorted for packs! yay! Im going to just have pancakes today.

So here is a pic of my fat unattractive hands with the cute sparkly nails. lol Have a great day all!