Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

we got approved for our apartment. we just found out late late last night. ecstatic. idea what im actually doing. been to busy living and sorted and...busy. just busy.

i havent a clue whats going on with it right now. i will think about it and figure something out. i do, however, somehow...seem to be a size 16 in skits and dresses of the floaty variety. and i definitely dont want to give that up. :)
Brilliant news about the apartment!! :) :)

So happy for you!

And size sixteen dresses and skirts from a lady who once said she couldn't wear dresses...huzzah!!!! If you can get a couple 'good' days under your belt a week that should be enough for maintenance while things are crazy :) :)

I was drooling over your Facebook status about brownies....*homer Simpson gargle*
Morning :)

The weekend is over. And things seem to be settled a bit more. Although it seems like everytime I say "things should be calmer now so I can focus on my diet " or whatever...something else crops up. Whatever. It is what it is at this time in my life. :)

We did get our apartment. So we now have somewhere to live. We will have to finalize everything but we have paid the holding deposit so we are good to go. Will probably be moving in on Oct 1st (which is also our 10th wedding anniversary!)

I havent been paying attention to the diet or any of that for a few days. I havent actually started the new regime. And tbh Im not sure what I want to do. I have tons of packs and really need to conserve money anyway. So i might try to stick to the 4 packs as best as I can...just adding in an apple and salad each day. I ate way too much yesterday. We had a bunch of crap in the house somehow and I just picked all day long. everything still fits me just fine, but i dont want to continue that way. so im back on to (at least some kinda) plan today. Ive not had anything yet and im just starting my water. i feel bloated and full. I had a stonking headache last night. I just feel crap. lol. So im going to just hang in there and just to take each day as it comes. I kinda cant face the four cheese pasta anymore. Or the chili, really but even that i can deal with more than the pasta. I really just want pancakes and spag bol. lol. oh well.

anyway. here we go. i really have the hardest time at night. so i am sure i will be fine today. i just have to keep that focus tonight!

didnt weigh because i had a shower first thing this morning. i will weigh tomorrow.
Good Moooo-rning.

Mooo, because I am a fat heifer!! 231.2 today! Excellent!

Im not even going to say anything else because Im just annoyed with my own rambling. I will either get my sh!t together or I will get fatter. And either way it goes, it will be my own doing.

I am sticking to plan today.

That is all. x
Moo_ning!!! ;) we love you as always and know that your mojo will return :)

So hard at the best of times let alone when you've got a 'life restart' coming up and I'm sure the urge to start again after the move is almost irresistible like at new year.
Had today so far:

1L water
a coffee
1 x pancakes
1x chili

Im going to go get another coffee and then have a nap with the girls. we were supposed to go to discovery museum and then have a picnuc in the park with m and her daughter as her boys are at summer club thing today...and we went to discovery museum but after about 20 mins she got a text saying that one her boys was "injured". so she rang up to check on him and deduced from the convo that he isnt...he just doesnt want to do what ever it is theyre doing right now. still, shes gone to collect him. we cut our trip a bit short (although she didnt rush straight and didnt bother with out picnic...BUT...i had packed sandwiches and crisps and those little yog covered fruit bites....FOR THE GIRLS. and a bar for me. :D got home and put their food out for them and put my bar back in cupboard and made some chili instead. this tiny thing is a huge victory for me today. not getting cocky...just feel happy that i made the right choice.

anyway. i will have a nice little nap...and then some boiled eggs when i get up and some spag bol for dinner tonight. :)
Been fine today. Im hoping for a little whoosh and be under 230 tomorrow *sniff* *feeling sorry for self* lol :break_diet: notoriously EXTREMELY fussy eater (eldest) daughter actually ate a (small) bowl of peas tonight at dinner. In all, it was about 3 tablespoons...maybe 4. But considering that just a month ago she gagged and it took ages and sweat and tears to get her to eat just ONE pea...this is a huge deal. Thing is...we've kinda bribed her. Its working though and I expect she will finally work out that most foods we ask her to try she does actually end up liking! lol. So ...since she ate it...we have to go to build a bear tomorrow as she wants another (another!!) My Little Pony. I have specified NO CLOTHES OR SHOES OR ACCESSORIES. Just the horse. Because i got duped last time (this will be the 4th one!) as I didnt specify she could only have the pony...and she ended up getting its hat (its a cowgirl one) and boots (and of course its a friggin pony so it has 4 feet and the boots are sold in PAIRS. ffs.) so yeah. Ive now taken to specifying exact terms. lol. Anyway. So we are going to do that tomorrow and I will probably take them for lunch. I will take my bar with me and have that :)

so yay!
wow that is a lot of peas if she wouldn't touch one before, she must actually quite like them...they're funny little things aren't they (kids, not peas!)!

Build a bear is ££££££££££ L has got fkn roller skates for her bear!! that of course have to go on on top of another pair of shoes :rolleyes: and her bear has a pair of knickers they crack me up there is a little hole for the tail :D :D
Yeah. These My Little Pony ones are £19 a pop. But...its money well spent if it gets my kid to eat. Her diet is appalling. So..Im happy to do this if it helps her gain confidence with foods she wouldnt have even entertained the IDEA of before. And there are only 2 more (LOL) so ...this will have to end soon! Next lot of bribery things will be far less big and costly! Maybe we will start with apps for the ipad. At least those are cheap (often times, free!) and dont take up any theyre mostly educational!

So...pleased with myself today.

Im hoping to be back to 220 by the time the expat dinner comes around on the 6th.
Morning :)

227.2 today. So exactly 4lbs over night. Onward and downward. Im just focusing on 220 for right now. And really...more than that...just focusing on one day at a time...sticking to plan. :)

Off to Newcastle to get the bribery reward. lol. Going into town and straight home after...its miserable and cold and grey and raining. Will take a bar just in case. But going to have my breakfast right now and then get us ready and head out.
Yes!! Back under!!!

One day at a time is what I'm focusing on right now its hard!!! We're like blooming recovering alcoholics!! Trying not to get too ahead of myself in 'what weight will I be on x date' as that can throw me off if I don't meet it or the time doesn't pass quickly mind games

Although I did count that its 17 Weeks to my Christmas party at work and did calculate that I could easily be at goal then. IF I'm sensible and don't lose my head

Have fun at build a bear!!! Weather sounds yuk, bet you can't wait to leave that behind :)
Home now. Alls well. Having lunch. And then probably a nap. Exhausted and the weather is RUBBISH. I was standing at bus stop this morning and it was so cold I COULD SEE MY BREATH! Ppl up here have brought the winter coats back out. I cannot WAIT to get the EFFING heJJ out of here!! Argh!