Gold Member
Oh god we're all.having a day of it lol OH in a mood.with me because at my sisters he said to (overweight).son 'yeah you look you like cake' and I said 'oi! Don't say that!' And so.apparently I 'had a go' at him. Oh FU** OFF
Tbf he's the one with the expectations on valentines despite always putting minimal effort in himself. He gave me.a card that he'd found in a drawer that I'd bought him as an anniversary card but rejected and got him a better one. I don't care about that honestly to me it's like to M I think but I was expected to put out (wink) haha but that ain't happening haha
Marriage is hard and it's about more than the valentines days and anniversaries etc but these days always make you evaluate and think 'huh I've been short changed here' lol but you know you luv him and are good friends you're so cute hanging out together
And...did.he sew the carpet heart himself? Come on. ..That is major cuteness. ..
like he would have had to think for ages to come up with that as it doesn't come naturally to him
But like I say, valentines does not a marriage make. Marriage is the boring bits getting jobs done day to day and managing to live together without killing each other.
Chri$t sorry if I'm depressing you even more.
*sobs into chocolate*
Tbf he's the one with the expectations on valentines despite always putting minimal effort in himself. He gave me.a card that he'd found in a drawer that I'd bought him as an anniversary card but rejected and got him a better one. I don't care about that honestly to me it's like to M I think but I was expected to put out (wink) haha but that ain't happening haha
Marriage is hard and it's about more than the valentines days and anniversaries etc but these days always make you evaluate and think 'huh I've been short changed here' lol but you know you luv him and are good friends you're so cute hanging out together
And...did.he sew the carpet heart himself? Come on. ..That is major cuteness. ..
But like I say, valentines does not a marriage make. Marriage is the boring bits getting jobs done day to day and managing to live together without killing each other.
Chri$t sorry if I'm depressing you even more.
*sobs into chocolate*