Yes...fresh fat for me is 2 and a half stone away. *sob* but so what. at least i will be heading toward it and not even further away, now. hahaha. yikes.
went to asda for a few bits. going to do the eggs i did last night, again. was soooo good. our local asda is a very small one...and its been converted to all self-service check outs, which i hate because it deprives PEOPLE of JOBS. but...they force my hand as we havent got a supermarket in our little town...other than the co-op which is extortionate. So T got to "play shopkeepers" she scanned all of our stuff through and then put the money in the slot and got the change for me. haha was amazingly cute and EDUCATIONAL.

And then i also had to get some crafty stuff at wilko - got Tab some kiddie scissors, some paper plates (for crafts) and a few other bits. Then she saw a little minecraft piggie plush thing. oh gawd. "mommy....look he is SO CUTE! could I plEASeEEE have him? OH PLEASE?!" hahaha. She has been an amazing little critter lately though. So helpful, so amazing with her learning, such a joy. And, so of course then Z needed to get something too...a same sized and same priced carebear. so i got conned outta 16 quid. theyre like the artful dodger, but with cute faces and smiling and making me willingly hand over my money. hahaha. twerps. awww, love them so much though.
Then went to fruit shop because they have nicer mushrooms (hahaha i hate it when they start to go slightly brown. i love them closed-cup and really firm) and bananas. then home.

just chilling out now. im going to look up a craft to do with our paper plates.
i also got a big "sharing" (hahah sharing. we never share them in my house....) bar of dairy milk for the lad upstairs. he has been really lovely and super quiet since i put the note through his door asking him to lower the volume on his telly when it gets late, please. I dunno if i posted about that? a few weeks ago...he started blaring...really BLARING his telly at night. like...until 1 or 2 in the morning. and it was all these old war films and action films....and his telly is over our trying to get the girls to sleep...(and stay asleep) was....pretty hard. constant marching and grunting and bombs going off. lordy. haha. so i popped a note through his door just kindly explaining and asking him to lower the volume a tad please when it gets late. he wrote a note back and said he would and sorry and its hard to judge...fair enough. but then he really has! awww. havent heard a peep. so i just popped the bar through with a note saying that we appreciate how considerate he has been and thank you.

anyway. im going to look up paper plate crafts and then make lunch...and then nap, because T has theatre group tonight.