I only had the after-birth pains with Zoe, really. With Tabby, I didnt. Weird, huh? With Zoe, though, some of the after pains were absolutely agonizing. Actually WORSE than the birth. That said, my labour and delivery with Z was only just under 3 hours.

And with T was just under 5 hours. I was lucky in that way. My mother was the same. Very short labour/delivery times with both me and my sister. My poor auntie was in hard labour for nearly 3 days with her first. Bless her. This was back in the day when they just left you to it! haha. Eek. Eventually, they figured it wasnt happening so they gave her a c section...but not until she was fully sick of her life and could absolutely take NO MORE. lol. Anyway. I have always had horrendous periods and lots of pain and hormonal crap associated with TOTM. As I type this, my ovary (its always my left) is twinging and causing me pain and grief. lol. So..im kinda used to it. Well, used to the fact that it happens. Not the used to the pain. I dont think its possible to get used to that. Bleh. Anywayyy. What ever. It is what it is. I just want the scales to stop messing me about. !!! lol
We sponge painted the paper mache heart and I think its quite pretty
Its drying now and we will hang it up on the wall later tonight or tomorrow morning. Aww.
Ive just had my 2nd pack of pancakes a.k.a. - lunch. With a lovely cuppa. And Ive had about 1.5L of water so far already. Granted, it was in the form of squash, but still...it counts in my book. And its much more than Ive been drinking lately. So thats progress. Postie has just been and girls are nearly done with lunch so I am absolutely going to have a nap with Zoe today. Might leave T up on her own if she wants. She's so grown up now...she doesnt like having naps anymore and would much prefer to play in playroom (in peace, while her sometimes-annoying-baby-sister is asleep) and make up games on her own, etc. And she's 5 and a half (nearly) so...I let her. Its not like Im leaving the house. lol. And she's my good one. I can absolutely trust her. lol. Zoe isnt getting left to stay up on her own until she's like...80. She would stab someone/something or paint all the walls or tear up the carpet. Or jump off the table and break her neck. Aww, my precious little lunatic <3 But T is so sensible and she comes to "check on me" periodically while Im sleeping. "Momma, are you ok? Do you feel well? Are you sleeping well?" *feels my head, presumably for a fever*. hahaha Bless her sweet little face.
Omg. I cheated today and had 5..yes FIVE grapes. They were just SO good. I had one accidentally...you know, as you do when prepping food for others...lol. And it was SO good, I decided to have a few more. OMG. Yum! Thats the thing I think that I miss the absolute most on this diet. Fruit!!
So. Eggs for hubby again tonight. I wish he would eat quorn. *wah*. lol. I really loved making ONE pan of food for the 2 of us but I just cannot eat eggs EVERY DAY the way he can/does. lol. Im having quorn again tonight and then will probably have eggs tomorrow with him.