I love how you all GET the percy pig thing. I was so sad that i didnt get a photo. Seriously. I had a sleeping Zoe in her stroller...and T was bopping all over the place dancing with Percy and a shopping basket full of I couldnt really get to my phone. Plus...i was fixated so I didnt think to PUT THE BASKET DOWN to take photos. lol. It was super cute. Theyve had the percy easter pigs for a few years now (at least), Lou and although I havent had them and although theyre adorable...I KNOW exactly what they taste of. Wilko used to have (or still might...havent looked for ages) these little pink piggie heads in their pick 'n mix. Theyre "chocolate"...kinda like white mice....but theyre sorta slightly strawberry flavoured and theyre a bit chalky. I really cannot stand them. lol. My old boss found them at a fairground or something and brought a bag in and then she was hooked on them and when I told her they had em in Wilko (about 3 mins away from our office) she had them in EVERY DAY for like a month. Until she finally got sick of them. hahah. Bleurgh.
Last night I went for finishing off the small vintage cheese boule that I got at marksies with a bit of mayo, some slices tomato and balsamic drizzled over. A fancy tomato sandwich, basically. It was lovely....really tasty...but not the dinner I really wanted. LOL. Oh well! Sunday (or possibly before sunday!) I will make one withsome lovely fresh stuff.... boiled new potatoes, sprouts, peas, cauliflower, carrots and a yorkshire as a treat with some lovely gravy.

Looking forward to it now!

That's almost the perfect plate of food for me. WHY AM I SO FAT?! I LIKE healthy stuff. I should just EAT IT ALL THE TIME (and less of it in one go!). *sulk* I can only imagine how hard it is for people like hubby who actually hate healthy every single veg that isnt a potato, onion or peas. Mostly. It must be a minefield trying to ....well..yes, yes it is. I had forgotten that *I* actually have to navigate that minefield and figure out how to get him healthy with very few options to work with. And he wonders why I get frustrated with him and weepy and shouty and stress when I plan meals.

lol's the day. Ive had half a banana and a ryvita. It was half because I have once again gotten into the habit of getting up and shoving something in my face before my eyes are even fully open. *tsktsk* and half because my rebellious inner child was like "I can if i want"...and partly because my vlcd damaged brain was like "omg, I CAN EAT FOOD!! PRAISE BE!!!" hahaha. Kinda like a "pinch me...i think im dreaming". So before that...I got up..shuffled to the loo (Z had me up before 7 again. No bueno!) and then I weighed myself. I had done some rough calculating last night and figured that since I was 255lbs when I restarted for this first time this year...and taking into consideration that I was already at like 248lbs again (up from 243lbs, my lowest so far this year...shocking!) when I kinda went off vlcd altogether. And ive had no fewed than 3 bags of Peanut M&Ms this week...and a bunch of other rubbish....I was pretty much expecting approx 265lbs...give or take a few either side.
250lbs. I was stunned. Its not good...of course not. But in a way...ITS FANTASTIC. lol. I ws expecting to go up and up and up...but I didnt. So I feel encouraged and ready to get going. Fully.
Hubby is still asleep although he has to work today.
I thinking Im getting T's cold. (very sad about this...was hoping to avoid)
Desperately need to get to the bank today.
And thats me for now. I will update food plan shortly