Oh Clin. YOu've done my trick of mentioning something but not including the link or the name of the thing. WHAT IT ISSSS *begs* haha. Im desperate! <3 hahahha
"Compared to what?" - HA! Compared to rich, thin folk with no health problems, money worries or major stresses in their lives! THATS WHAT! haha Im so negative. lol. Anyway. I know what you mean. And yes....compared to what. But really...sometimes it really is just a constant battle.
Asda has brought my shopping...and its all covered in someone else's Lenor which the driver only mentioned, slyly on his way back to the van after I had signed for everything. Hubby had come in from work in the middle of me unloading the crates and as he walked past thats when I first noticed a flowery sorta scent so I had made a mental note to ASK HIM WHY HE SMELLED LIKE LADIES! Good grief, what a fool I am! Im going to ring asda in a bit though and have a proper ***** to them. On top of that, theyve brought me a MOULDY melon. Its actually got mould on it. Last week, I ordered 2 and they were both off too!! Ive nearly had enough of them. Ugh.
Anyway. I unpacked all of the exante packs and put them in the cupboard as I was sick of the box being on the floor where it was...it was taking up valuable space. And I actually found myself longing for the good ol' days when i was properly in the groove, sitting on the sofa with my cup of coffee, not bothered about whether or not i eat anything. Losing weight. Fitting into those BRAND NEW jeans that I have held onto for over 10 years and had never been able to wear until that one beautiful day in march last year. *sigh*
So. need to think of what to do tomorrow. I think we're going to have to stay home and clean as the damp man is going to come round monday to sort these damp patches. *sigh* That's our weekend wasted. meh.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend xx