LOL Blondcat. I used to be able to do this for WEEKS at a time. of course it was hard...but it was never THIS hard. The fact is i havent got my head in it.
Had a chat with M last night and he was saying that he worries about me on this and that it doesnt seem to agree with me anymore for some reason. I agree, to a point, but I said....I have set myself 2 stone to lose. I can either do this PROPERLy....ACTUALLY DO IT.....and get there within 2-3 months. OR I can go off and try the food and exercise route and stumble around (like i know i will because i always do!) and hopefully, possibly, maybe (but probably not) make it there by christmas. HELLO - duh. I have started to see this as a punishment and a chore, rather than as an opportunity - like I used to. I will always rebel and struggle if I feel like Im being punished and deprived. But in actuality I am (still!) a grown up. I have (still!) decided to this. Nothing has changed since the first (or second...third ..etc) time I did this. There still is NO ONE forcing me. If i want to go to the shop and get chocolate and eat it...I CAN. If I want to go make 12 slices of toast and eat it....I CAN. But that isnt healthy either and I dont want to be this weight anymore, because it isnt nice and I am in pain with my hips. So. I am going to do this.
I will still make my pancakes...all of them...this morning and that way I have them there and I can see exactly what i have to eat for the day. No more temptation to pick or to have anything else. This is costing me a fortune and its costing me time and its prolonging the discomfort Im in. So, its already nearly May. If I stick to it, I can make it to my goal by sometime in July. YES PLEASE.
So. This morning, after the carb fiasco yesterday, Im back up to 250.8
Its nearly 7.45 and M and T are still asleep. I need to wake him up and then start making pancakes.
Have a nice day all! xx
Food today:
1 x babybel (had this already with some ibuprofen for headache)
pancakes 3x 3/day sachets & 1x 4/day sachet
150g quorn w/ cauli