So, I havent been around here much lately. Partly because Ive been busy and partly because (and here comes the confession bit...) Ive been pretty down since I stopped doing S&S. I feel like a failure. And I feel gutted that I wasnt one of the ones that could handle this diet physically. Ive seen a few women on here who are about my height and weight and theyre dropping anywhere from like 3-6lbs a WEEK. And that wasnt me. And then I had that horrible episode. And I had been so hopeful and my head was totally in the right place for this...but my body decided to fail me. Again. So Ive been incredibly sad and low lately. That has caused me to not really follow Slim Fast the way I should. I had a talk with my hubby last night and Im feeling a bit clearer-headed and optimistic. Im trying to put the low feelings and the negative stuff going through my head into a little box at the back of my mind under lock and key so that I can actually move past this and get going with my losses again.
So I got up this morning and had some water and a coffee. Then i got Tabby ready and took her to nursery. When i came back I had a banana and fed Zoe and then I went straight in and did my 3o minute workout. I have an old Bev Callard DVD which is my fave! So I did SOME of it (intentionally). She does a warm up, then a bit of cardio, then arms with weights, then legs on the floor (one side), then abs, then legs (the other side) then a cool down. There is a part in there where she is on hands and knees doing leg and bum stuff but I cannot stay on my knees that long because I had severe SPD with both of my girls and my pelvis still gives me a bit of trouble..and that section KILLS. So I avoid it. Shame too because its really hard and i think its great for hips, legs and bum toning. Anyway...Ive decided to break the dvd up (its over 70 mins) and do the warm up and cardio every day along with either the arms bit, the legs bit or the abs bit. Today was arms. And although I am pouring with sweat and I have jelly arms...I got through it, finished it and I didnt collapse and/or die! HUZZUH! lol
So Im feeling much more positive today. Once Ive done my workout, something in my head clicks and I know that A) Im burning more cals through the day and B) I dont have any desire to binge because Ive just kicked my own @ss with the workout and WHY waste that?! lol.
Ive also realised that I really enjoy it and I wish that I had the full hour to do the whole thing every day (I did the whole thing, every day when tabby was about a year old) but I just dont have the time right now, sadly.
So. Here's me, back again and ready to do this. Because I CAN. It will be slower than I had hoped with S&S but I will get there. And the sooner I get my head together and sort myself out...the sooner I will get there. So I need to stop wasting time feeling like crap.
And thats where I am now. Right here.

Im going to go through and catch up with everyone in a minute. Just going to get zoe a bottle and get her off to sleep, then make my first shake of the day and then settle down.
To those of you that have come by to check on me and say hi and who have stuck with me thus far, thank you. :hug99: Thank you, thank you, thank you.
