Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Im sitting here with my Pink Lady apple (my fave variety) and my goooodness I missed fruit! lol Had a good day today. Stayed on plan and dinner was gorgeous, so filling and only ended up being just under 500 cals! We are going to peek at the scales in the morning. Im actually expecting a gain...I was totally bad on Sunday and I worked out pretty hard today, and with weights! So, hoping for a loss but expecting a gain. Tomorrow Im taking Tabs for her booster jab. So I will be a bit busy in the morning but then home after. Its too cold to go anywhere else! lol Hope everyones had a great day!
Hi Kelly,

I am so sorry you've felt like this! :( I wish I could have been of some help.

PLEASE DO NOT FEEL LIKE A FAILURE! You managed more than most (my friend lasted FOUR days!!), so don't beat yourself up.

I think you needed more - some people do, me included. You stuck religiously to the 3-4 pks per day, and one low carb/high protein meal. It's tough going and you did it.
I think, had you added some more protein (and therefore obviously more fuel for your body), that horrid episode would not have happened.
Had you been allergic to any of the ingredients in S&S products, you would have known about it straight away, not 4 weeks in to it.

I know you probably don't want to start S&S again, but if you did and had more cals but keeping carbs low, I am sure it would be successful. However, I am sure SF will be equally successful, because you're in the right mind-set.
And whether you believe it or not right now, you my darling are a VERY STRONG WOMAN and I admire you tremendously! :)

You're taking a very healthy approach to this now - exercise and healthy eating. To be honest, had I not needed a quick fix loss, I would have carried on with my exercise because it was working - just not as fast as I wanted it to!
I'll be coming off S&S soon, and will be eating a healthy diet which will be lowish in carbs, and getting back to Zumba - I want my muscles back!

I'm so pleased you're feeling better lovely. Please don't ever feel like you're alone because you are most certainly not. Just holler, okay? I know you'd do the same :)

So, today has gone well so far. I had my banana then a shake and then i had a couple of eggs in a salad. I felt like having that instead of 2 other 100 cal snacks today. I still have another shake to have and then dinner tonight is tostada. Oven baked flour tortilla (wrap) and once its lovely and crisp I top it with salad and 1/2 pack quorn pieces cooked with onions, peppers (but i dont have any so just onions today) and sometimes black beans (but not today). i ususally put a little light creme fraiche or sour cream on it but not got that either so dinner will only be 450 cals. lol. That will still leave me 150 cals to have later so I will decide what/if to have later. Working my way through my water.

Have been having some problems with Tabbys nursery so Ive decided to change. We are going to put her in the nursery at the Primary School she'll be going to so we are all going to have a visit there on Monday. I got sick of her coming home soaking wet from there. Her top and socks would be wet from playing in the water and her coat would be soaking from playing in the puddles outside. And she's constantly sick. No wonder. I know theyre prone to catch lots of bugs when they first start but she started in january and shes been off sick more than shes actually been there! So anyway. Thats been stressful. Deciding what to do. She really loves going to nursery and she loves her keyworker there. But as my hubby said, some of the staff have a devil may care attitude and dont particularly fill us with confidence. A few of the younger staff often have faces like they hate their jobs and dont particularly like kids. Not entirely thrilled having her go there anymore. So that's one major thing happening.

I got a text from hubby today. Apparently his mam's health has taken a turn for the worse. She's been in a pretty bad state for a while...lots of things wrong. But she had been managing. Its gotten to a point now where we are all pretty sure she is going to have to be taken into a home where she can get pretty constant care. In all honesty, I dont much care for the woman, but I dont like to see anyone suffer and she is my husband's mother. Regardless of their lack of much of a relationship these days, I know that on some level this will be painful for him to witness and to have to deal with. So I am hurting, for him. Also feeling a bit useless. lol. Ive offered to help in anyway I can but its situations likes these where being a foreigner is difficult because you have no idea what the done thing is or how to help or go about arranging things. I have no real idea as to how these things work. So I will do what I can but leave all the arranging and planning to her kids.

And of course then there is MY mother. She's fine. Except she just got a tablet and she's sending herself doolally with stress and panic attacks over learning how to use it. Yes really. She always does this. She's a techno-phobe to the point of ridiculousness. She makes herself ill over it. But aside from that, her new husband is going in for a hip replacement today and she's sh!t scared about that, too. THAT I can understand. The panic-attacks-over-the-tablet I try to be patient with her about and try to be sympathetic but its hard. lol. I just want to smack her and tell her....the very worst thing is that she DOES break it and then...SO WHAT its just a broken piece of machinery. Nothing bad will happen. lol. And furthermore, TABBY can use our ipad. Hello. Not that tricky. But anyway. Yes. The hip replacement. Its hard to be so far away when my mom is going through this. She is worried for him and I can only comfort her from a (very far) distance.

Zoe is doing wonderfully. Which I am thankful for. She's growing and thriving. I thought she would be more mobile by now...but she isnt. And I thought she would be more vocal by now, but she isnt that either. She is who she is. I know that Im working with her and she will do it all when she's good and ready. Its hard not to wonder if you've failed your kids somehow when they dont do "what it says they should in the books". Although, admittedly, Im not nearly as paranoid about that stuff this time around. With Tabby I was constantly measuring what she could and couldnt do and monitoring it. POintlessly. lol. I say all of this as my HEALTHY, HAPPY children and giggling and cooing and laughing and playing with one another. And really, thats all that matters. :p

Anyway. I just wanted to jot this stuff down because I do plan on reading back through this from time to time and seeing where my head is at different points along the way. What was going on. What I was thinking and feeling.

Im off to make my shake before it gets much later. LOL. Im actually not hungry. :)

Great bigs HUGS lovely,
Glad you shared this.

Hoping your hubby's mum gets the help she needs, and I hope your mum and he hubby are okay too.

Your kiddies sound so amazing - they take after their mummy! :)

It's good to write all this down - I do it when I need to - it's always good to look back :) xxxx
I read both of your lengthy posts on the train coming home... I'm glad you wrote them, it's not easy to just write things down that are both personal and a true reflection of your state of mind at the moment. I hope it's therapeutic in a way, both to think things through and to look over at a later date. The diary I wrote in 2011 has been quite useful, I can't believe how messed up my brain was back then, I really wasn't happy... but I'm glad the record is still here to reflect on. :)

Like Nat said - you are not a failure! Not everyone agrees with this diet :) And remember - not everyone loses 3-6lb per week either! I'm lucky to get 2lb per week! Yes, it's disheartening, but not the end of the world. At least we're doing something about it - imagine if we were still ignoring the problem? Doesn't matter what diet you're doing or how slowly it's coming off - at the end of the day, you're DEALING with it. And your way is definitely better - it's healthier and more balanced. Well done with the exercise!

Your poor mum being a technophobe, that bit made me giggle! Wishing her all the best with her stress and her OH's ailments!

I hope the new school looks good and Tabby settles in ok when she transfers. It's horrid to know that she's not getting all the attention and care that she rightfully deserves at the current nursery! :(

Morning Bee! Morning Ladies! :)

Just checking in to see how you are?
Am hoping you're feeling a lot better about yourself now?

Have a great day! xxx
Hi Bee, Nat, Peaches, Minerva, Lou :)

How are you all today? Kelly - I really hope you're feeling better - I can add nothing to what everyone else has said - they are so right! :)

Hope everyone has a good day today!

Morning (ok, afternoon. ;p ) Haha.

You're all so sweet and so supportive. Thank you for all the kind words.

Been busy this morning, which is the reason for my not having checked in....i havent fallen off the wagon (again!) lol :D

My poor Tabby had her 3 year old jabs this morning. Here is what I posted about it on fb (because Im THAT lazy):

So, the 3 year old booster shot/ in fact TWO. One in each arm. I was SO impressed with the doctor today. She got down to Tabby's level and explained to her why she was there today and what was going to happen. Then she asked if Tabby she wanted a plaster for after and, being that tabby loves plasters as much as she loves actual stickers, she said YES!. So out comes the first needle and I hold on to her tightly....the jab was given and only a little wince. So doctor quickly puts the plaster on. Then out comes the 2nd needle and Tabby's now worked out that this isnt great. lol. So she goes a little hysterical for a split second, repeating "where the plaster? need the plaster!!" and before giving the 2nd jab the doctor shows her that the plaster is there, ready. So my big, brave girl calmed right down, had the jab, got the plaster and DIDNT CRY. Unlike her teary eyed mother. Oy. Im such a wimp. So proud of my Tabitha. She's made of tough stuff.

I can report, also, that mom's hubby is out of surgery and fine. So that's good. She's calmer now.

Ive stayed on plan today, yay! And hubby and i got weighed this morning. He has lost 4lbs since Monday and Im down 1 (haha awww one little lb all by itself!). No. Im happy with the 1 off, after the start I had to the week...Im really happy. lol. Like Minerva (and a few of you) said, it will come off, regardless of how slow. And the fact the numbers are going down again is a good thing. I cant complain and I need to stop being so damned impatient. So all is well.

We are having mexican style chicken (quorn) and rice tonight with a little side salad. Hubby is a veggie-phobe (not so much phobe. just hates mostly ALL veggies) so making him eat things like salad and peppers and little bits of carrot and cabbage gives me pleasure....mwahaha. But I tell him, how does he expect our girls to try veggies if he doesnt set an example. plus, theyre good for him. *cackle*.

Im off to go catch up with everyone's diaries. Hope today has been good so far and continues on that way! x
Oh and I did my workout before we left this morning, because I knew today was going to be a bit busy and I REALLY prefer to workout in the mornings as opposed to the evenings if at all possible. So today was warm-up, cardio and legs. Im going to feel that one tomorrow. Oy!
Aww Tabby sounds like a dream! Such a brave little girl :) I was like that too, doctors and dentists were always so impressed that I wouldn't cry or anything! Tabby shows a real strength of character - definitely a child to be proud of! :D
Glad to hear your mum's OH is doing well - I hope he recovers soon!

Well done on the weight loss front!! That's fantastic, determination and willpower really does pay off! I really hope this plan works better for you than SnS did and that you feel better/healthier doing it! :)

And I really don't understand people who don't like vegetables... :confused: I've always liked them (even as a child), my dad would always eat snacks of raw vegetables... then again now my OH thinks I'm weird for thinking raw cauliflower or raw swede are nice to have on their own... lol... well, good on you for sneaking those veggies in ;)

I'm so happy SnS allows some veg on the plan, but I so miss fruit :( Apples... Whaaah *want*.
I just chopped up a cauliflower to put in the fridge for snacks! i have always loved veggies. The first time hubby saw me put raw broccoli on my salad he about gagged. so weird. he will eat (no more than) 3 sprouts, peas, a bit of cauli, potatoes, mushrooms, tomatoes, lettuce and onion. thats about it. :/ limits me i do all the cooking. lol

I was thinking about it and about day 3 of SnS, I broke out in rashes on the tops of my feet and my arms. And ive been really spotty since i started (not like me) and my skin had been crazy dry and cracking/itchy. But then..the last week its all cleared up. I never really put 2 and 2 together but i wonder if it wasnt an allergy thing. It doesnt matter now, just interesting.

I really missed fruit too. i had an apple the other evening and it was like heaven! :/
My hubby doesn't eat any veg at all he is a complete nightmare!! He doesn't eat dinner with us he has been damaged by being forced to sit at the table for hours when he was little because he wouldn't eat his dinner!!

I grew up sitting at table for hours but in a happy way cos my daddy is Italian so dinner for me is happy time (too happy hence the dieting!!!)
yeah..well Im a vegetarian (mostly...I have phases of only 90% veggie but Im fully veggie right now) so the lack of veg tolerance drives me batty! lol He tries but I think it was all the horrible soggy, waterlogged veg in the school dinners that traumatized him. He hates custard too and hates hot dessert. Like freshly baked cookies or sweet pie. He waits til its cold. lolol
I just chopped up a cauliflower to put in the fridge for snacks! i have always loved veggies. The first time hubby saw me put raw broccoli on my salad he about gagged. so weird. he will eat (no more than) 3 sprouts, peas, a bit of cauli, potatoes, mushrooms, tomatoes, lettuce and onion. thats about it. :/ limits me i do all the cooking. lol

I was thinking about it and about day 3 of SnS, I broke out in rashes on the tops of my feet and my arms. And ive been really spotty since i started (not like me) and my skin had been crazy dry and cracking/itchy. But then..the last week its all cleared up. I never really put 2 and 2 together but i wonder if it wasnt an allergy thing. It doesnt matter now, just interesting.

I really missed fruit too. i had an apple the other evening and it was like heaven! :/

Bee, I can relate to this, my skin is shocking, spots around nose euhhh lol and really dry and itch everywere else especially my scalp and stomach which is just weird!! Xxx
Bee, I can relate to this, my skin is shocking, spots around nose euhhh lol and really dry and itch everywere else especially my scalp and stomach which is just weird!! Xxx

its so weird because its all gone since I stopped SnS.