Hi! Morning!
So. I finally hit the scale this morning...and I about died. 263

Pardon my vulgar mouth but....f************ck. :| lol. Ahem
So after a little cry and a mini-pity party (ive been actually trying to be good-ish! opting for a quesadilla with salad and no fries when we went out rather than the big plate of pasta or the fried veggie burger-y thing that i REALLy wanted! HMPHF!) (yes, i know how ridiculous i sound

haha)....ive decided Fk this. Im going back on. I know...Im the biggest (and fattest :/ ) yo-yo in the WORLD.
But this time, Im going to take a leaf out of Minerva's book and NOT HAVE SHAKES. That's what annoyed me and put me off last time. I just ordered mainly shakes! lol. Im going to do oatmeal for pancakes in the mornings. and then a meal pack for lunch and a pack for dinner with a quorn salad. or something similar. I dunno about bars. I may have a bar in the evening. I need to figure out how many packs per day to have and whether or not to bother with a "protein meal" (i.e. the quorn salad.). I think I may just have to order from SnS (rather than the diet shack) again because they have much more variety. and then do breakfast -- oatmeal pancakes, lunch -- meal pack + 1/2 veg allowance, dinner -- meal pack + 1/2 veg allowance, night time snack -- bar.
Anyway. We just went food shopping Sunday and I bought some fresh, perishable stuff - salad bags and apples and avocados (omg yum) and such. So Im going to start once Ive finished my fresh stuff as I cannot STAND to waste. And lord knows my hubby and kids wont eat any of it. :/ So I will start in a few days. I may use some of the packs I have in the cupboard in the mean time.....just to stick in a pack here and there to replace a meal and try to keep carbs and cals that bit lower until I can start.
I dont blame you if you want to unsubscribe from me. Im starting to annoy MYSELF with chopping and changing so much. Seriously. So annoying.
In other news:
Im taking Tabby to her new school this afternoon for a half an hour meet and greet sorta thing with her new teacher. And tomorrow she starts. All uniforms and big school. I know its still nursery but damn. It makes me cry. She's growing so quickly. And Im still adjusting. Its a beautiful thing and a heart breaking thing all at once. LOL.
MIL...is still in the hospital. Hubby hasnt been for a few days. Now I think of it...for lots of days. LOL. Since...last...friday, I think it was. I think he's kinda over it, in a way. She was asleep the last time he went...not her fault at all...but it cost him bus fares and time away from his kids..which he has little of through the week anyway. And then when she did wake up..they just kinda sat in silence. She;s doing a lot better and SHOULD be going home quite soon, and have carers at least 3 times a day. But things seem to take a lonnnnngggg time to get done with the NHS. So we are still just..waiting. Theyre basically sure the main thing was an overdose. They (the kids) think she has the onset of dementia. And her gp was chopping and changing her meds weekly...introducing new ones...different doses...she got confused and just took them as and when. And almost died. aside from that she has a lot of mental issues and physical things...auto-immune diseases etc. So she was in so much pain with one of them that she was unable to really get up even. So she was sat in one place for aaaaages and that caused the clot in her leg. Anyway. We are just waiting for her to be able to go home.
Anyway. Im going to go around and catch up with everyone now.
have a lovely day!