Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!


Weigh In day - 251.4 :)

So Im now back to my lowest weight of 2011 - which was the lowest id been since like 2005. Yay!! TOTM is very heavy and Ive had a feverish baby all night who has just been sick all over her dad, herself, me and the bed. Booo!

Its a miserable, windy, rainy, grey and cold day out and I have to go shopping.

But I have no plans to deviate :)
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. That is triely awful. Sending hugs your way. Xx
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear your news about your mother-in-law. That's really sad. Are you ok? Is your husband ok? Sending you lots of love and prayers xxx
Thanks everyone. Things are pretty horrible right now. But we will get through it.

252.0 this morning. I havent relinquished control by any means. I even opted for a little block of cheese at the hospital the other day as a snack because i was over-due my packs and was feeling lightheaded and shaky. I have had a few Quavers here and there....a bite of Zoe's toast. Little bits like that. Which I have stopped as of today. But all in all...I am quite pleased with how well I have stuck to plan. Im hoping to be out of the 250s by the end of week and certainly by weigh in day (Sunday). We'll see.
Weigh in today - 250.0 .....Although, of course, I wouldve liked a lot more...Im happy with that. I avoided a binge (although I did have bits and bites of stuff I shouldnt have!) but a loss is a loss. And considering I had popped up to 252 at one point...I will happily take 250 and move forward this week being much better. No bits and bites. So onward and downward. Also...gonna try unsweetened almond milk for my coffee. Milk is just too high in carbs. We'll see. Ive never had almond milk before! lol
Morning. Annoyed today. 251.2 WT ACTUAL F is that about? I was out yesterday so I had porridge pancakes as usual for breakfast, then I went out to lunch at Nandos with a couple of friends and had the avocado and green bean salad but they had no avocado so i had halloumi cheese instead and it was not much, i can tell you. Then i came home and made my usual dinner of quorn/onion/a bit of red pepper and cabbage stir fried.. I got in most of my water but it was late. And then I had an endulge bar. grr. Im going to try a day 100% (for me, which is 2 packs, quorn "fajitas" (quorn, onion, peppers with spices) and a bar. coffee and water.) no extras....ugh. really annoyed! But not gonna give in. I will get there. I was hoping to see 245 by Monday when we have our lunch out for our anniversary but thats not looking terribly likely at the moment. *pout* lol

Funeral is tomorrow.
Horrible. Ive stalled between 249 and 251 for like a week. ARGH. This is when I usually give up. But Im not going to this time. Its just sooo deflating. :(

Hi beelishy,

Firstly sorry to hear about your mother in law.

It may well be stress that's making you hold onto the weight due to hormones being released when stressed. Just a thought. Don't get disheartened x
Lou - WOO HOO! No...quitting is NOT AN OPTION. Ive done that before and that certainly didnt help me to lose any weight! hahah

marie - thanks :) Yeah. I have a feeling its partly my body re-assessing itself, partly stress and grief and partly TOTM is due in a little over a week. But that ALWAYS plays havoc with my weight. Big time.

So Im just going to push through it all. Its not going to get the better of me. Not again. I promised myself I would stick with this until Christmas and I will. And then I will re-evaluate. If Im doing well on it i will have christmas eve-boxing day off(ish) (as well as thanksgiving day) and enjoy myself and then get back on it the day after boxing day and continue til goal. :)

Its saturday!! woop! Tomorrow is WI in and then Monday is WI for the fb vlcd group monthly challenge. :D And Monday we are having our lunch out at my fave Italian's for our anniversary/my bday (belated) lol.

I was 100% yesterday. 3 packs, 2 coffees with almond milk. 4L water! And the result?

Down 3lbs overnight! 248.4 WOOP! Another new "lowest for years and years!"

Gonna stay 100% for today and tomorrow and see how I get on. I may actually make my super-mini-goals. LOL. I had wanted to be 245 (or lower) by Monday when we go out. And I have put myself down to lose a stone for the month of sept in the fb group. Im 1lb away from that. And 3lbs away from 245. lol. I will probably MAKE my monthly goal but not the other. But thats ok. :D Just keeeeeep going :)