Thanks ladies. Been 100% today. TOTM is giving me grief and messing with my mood big time but its also kinda put me off food anyway. Im in too much discomfort to be interested in eating. Bleh.
So, I found a bundle of 116 S&S on ebay. It was Buy It Now for £100 + £10 postage. I talked to the seller and she ended up doing it for £90 posted!! Im really pleased. There are some packs of Chicken curry soup and veg soup and spicy spag which I will probably swap/sell but Im really pleased with that bargain! lol
So once my Exante is gone I will do 4 packs - S&S - pretty much exclusively. For a while anyway! lol.
I thought about that Mel...but i think if Im gonna be pesty about something and relentless...its gonna be to get some of this insanely horrific, disgusting loose skin removed. The rashes under my apron are vile. Itchy and just bleh. Im going to make an appointment to see MY GP after the new year. Im going to talk to her about it all....the skin, the periods (still, always. my whole life. lol) and see what she says.
In other news,
My free sample S&S orange truffa bar and mint truffa bar have just arrived. I think Im gonna have that as my 3rd pack today. And i had forgotten that I had those 2 packs from The Diet Shack that the local lady gave me. Theyre carbonara and very well may be vile. The spag bol was. LOL. But I might try that for dinner tonight. I really shouldnt re-jig my packs like this. But if it keeps the munchies at bay...why not. So long as Im checking it in should be fine.
I got my girls some stocking stuffers too when i was out today. LOL. its hard to take your 4 year old with you when youre trying to actually buy things FOR her. lol. Zoe obviously had no idea what was really going on (and I think she was asleep. aaaah, to be 1.5 again and wheeled around all snuggly haha). So Im very very nearly DONE buying for xmas. I think I only have foodstuffs to get. And that will obviously have to wait until nearer the time.Im going to work on my Xmas Card list tonight (if the girls give me enough peace/time to do so) and start writing them out this weekend.
HO HO HO people. Its almost christmas! :O !!!
Yeah. Thats what Im hoping. LOL.
Right. Had a cup of coffee, an egg and half of my water so far today. Im going to have a coffee now and my other egg. Then my first lot of pancakes with another coffee at lunch time. It was such a horrible morning, weather-wise...Im surprised I put it off this a bit longer wont hurt. Ha!