......gettin' it done.
I dont anymore, no. I used to find it really hard. But I honestly think that these little mini-breaks have really actually done me a world of good in that I can hop on and off the diet with NO trouble anymore. Its like a light switch...when I need to be on it...I just flick it on. And I know what to i just go for it and once Im past the first few days...its plain sailing again. Whereas, when there is some event or reason to be off...Im not petrified of being off plan either. I know there will be a gain...and I also know that I can get that gain off. No problem. So I just flick it off and go for it. It took me a long time to get to this point. But I feel much more in control I think.
By tonight i will be ready to eat a scabby rat. But. It will pass. i will have coffee and water instead and just BUCK UP. lol.
For me, this diet gets easier and more "normal" the longer I do it. Which is just as well cuz Ive still got quite a way to go!