My body is being a total pr!ck. 229.8lbs. Seriously? THATS PRETTY MUCH STS!! hahahah. I couldnt help but burst out laughing in frustration at that this morning. Dude, whatever. !!
So hubby is off work today and I have a HUGE desire to just NOT be on packs. Not go completely mental with carbs either, but just have FOOD. And then maybe go back on for Friday and Saturday. Thats what my gut is telling me to do. I feel crampy and bunged up (ew. the other night I thought my gut was working properly again but not so much. boo. Im eyeing up the Senokot...but really really hate to take anything like that. Ive only ever tried it once with that laxative-y fibre stuff that you drink...when i was pregnant...and it was VILE...made me gag...and then didnt even work! so im always hesitant to take anything like that) and just BLEH. lol. But theres that nagging voice in my head that is always ever-critical...telling me that im pretty pathetic if i dont stick it out for the measly 3 days left. And that I might just have made my 228 goal by then but if i have today off i certainly WONT. *sigh*
No idea what Im going to do and am pretty tired of agonizing over it! lolol Either way, Im back on it full-steam-ahead come does it really matter? yes, because Im a stickler if/when I actually manage to set myself a goal. I figure, if i set one, I have to actually work towards it properly...otherwise...whats the point?!
Food today-
scrambled eggs and cheese, 1 slice of toast
quorn pieces with onions and mixed veg in a low carb sauce/seasonings yet to be decided
chicken "kebab" (chicken and salad)
coffee, water
its the best i can do, considering i dont have healthy food in for myself. LOL
I will decide about what to do tomorrow later on.