Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Lou, we've tried Feliway. We bought him a huge, tall kitty play station thing. Just for this very reason. And he IGNORES IT! Thats just abnormal, isnt it? lol. We saw the herbal drop on amazon and we may give that a go. But it just feels hopeless. We've decided that we will close him off in the main part of the flat (we switched out rooms around so what SHOULD be the livingroom (essentially, the middle room of the flat) is actually our bedroom and it leads into the kitchen and then bathroom. So we are gonna enclose him so he has the bedroom, kitchen and bathroom all to himself. we current have a baby gate up in that door but we are gonna start trying to just close the door as he can jump straight over the gate. bleh. anyway. we are gonna put his play tower thing in there too so he will have the bed, his fave window sill, his play tower, his food/potty and anything else he could need. But he will be away from the girls. Hopefully this works.

as for the diet. I havent had enough water yet today. ive just been so preoccupied. and busy. ive got a few women in the fb vlcd packs for sale group who want some of the MANY packs that im getting rid of. i only just listed them earlier today but its the beginning of the year and at £1 a pack plus postage...bargain. its the best place to get packs long as you can find the ones you want. And I couldnt. So I ended up ordering 70 packs from S&S (half chili and half spag bol) and i got 10 bars for free (january promotion) and then a box of 50 porriges (half and half) frok exante....and got 15% off. So that should see me through for a while! And once I get the rest of my packs gone, that are going, I can organise my cupboard again. *hmphf* haha :D
Funny how we all have different tastes. I hated all the Exante shakes but really like the S&S ones. Well done on the over night whoosh x
Fab loss hun, gotta love it for motivation!

Sorry to hear about your kitty, cant offer much advice but I'm thinking of you and hope situation is sorted soon.

Sounds organised with your packs, go girl!

Gioing to get smoothy to go, thanks for the recommendation, just what I need!

What I do with shakes now it's winter, I add a little water and the offending cachet in a mug, stir to a runny paste then top up with boiling water, lovely and warming. It comes out nice and thick too. x
sounds like a good plan for kitty to have his own area maybe when the girls get older he won't be so nervous of them. Poor baby

daughter and I made a tent in her bedroom tonight out of duvet covers and sheets and she's now asleep in it. When she first went to bed, our idiot kitten (well he's grown up now) tried to stand on the 'roof' and collapsed it! Her fault for kicking him off her pillow when she wanted to go to bed. Tomorrow I've got to try to get him into the cat basket for injections, he's so strong and HATES the cat basket and OH won't be here so it'll be me vs kitty.

The 3 other kitties have all commandeered a basket of (formerly) clean washing that I left on the kitchen worktop, they LOVE it they snuggle up together in it (2 at a time). It's got my pale cream sheet that I'll need for clean bed on Saturday it will need re-washing as it's!! I'll get some filthy stares when I take it away from them :)

I need to make sure I take advantage of the 'free bars' offer but it's a shame that the coconut bar isn't included. Although I'm a nightmare with bars and I scoff one the minute I wake up (from the freezer so it's too hard to eat in 2 seconds flat)

great work on the bargain packs :) I need to try to get some kind of bulk bargain as I'm in this for the long haul..!

237.8!! Another 2lbs off - so that's 6lbs in 2 days? Sure, i will take that thankyouverymuchly! haha.

Hubby goes back to work today. Part of me knows that we need to get back to normal eventually and is glad to do just that. Like ripping a plaster off! Just get it over with. The other part of me just wants to cry. lol. Life is a funny little thing. You only get one and the hours and days and weeks fly by quicker, the older you get, yet most of us have to waste so much time going to work and we miss out on SO much time with the people that we love so so much. Haha. UNFAIR! :p Anyway. Stoked at my loss for today.

Food today -

Porridge pancakes
Chilli x 2
Spag bol
2 boiled eggs

coffee, water

Back to normal. :)

Oh and I made my first mini-mini-goal. Off to tick it off the list!
No problem is it? Wow. LOL. I had a headache a bit on day 1 and since then...NOTHING. Weird but Im not complaining. Maybe my body knows what its in for and is just like..."ok, fine.". haha :p

Today ive had 2 eggs, a chili pack and i just made porridge pancakes. ive finally worked out how much water to put in to get them perfect (for me)...i dunno why ive never measured the water before :p haha. So I got 3 smallish (but not tiny...LOVE exante porridge) pancakes out of it...and put one in the fridge for later tonight. gonna have spag for dinner tonight..and a drop a chili pack...and then have my last pancake with a cup of coffee as an evening snack. sorted. :D Oh and another egg at some point, to keep my cals ok, as im dropping that pack. :)

Man oh man...its good to be back. :D hahaha
Well done! See - you have a system that's working for ya so why change it! Brilliant stuff!! Knocking through those mini goals thick n fast! Yeah xx
I dunno why I get these ridiculous ideas that i "should probably change" this or that...or that I "should probably try to stick to one specific plan" (ie, just exante, just S&S etc)...its that old adage ....if it ain't broke, don't fix it. lol

Ive had 3L of water today. Gonna try to squeeze in one more before bed. Well, before 6:30 MAYBE try to minimize the night-peeing. Goodness...ive been having to get up no less than 3 times a night since i restarted. Hence the 6lbs, I guess. LOL! Ew.
Jeeeez. What an ordeal! Hubby and I just attacked the sink as its been clogged and not draining for a couple of days now. So we ordered a de-clogger snake came today, finally and it wont fit down our plug hole...the metal grate thingie is too narrow for the tip of the snake to fit. Great. So then we looked online and found that theres a bit of pipe referred to as the "trap" which is where blockages usually occur. Ok fine. So we tried to get that unscrewed. It was SO tight. omg. But I dont give up (you guys mightve noticed that about me lol) so i kept on trying to loosen it. Kept on and on. Like nagging it to death...but with my strongness HAHA :p Finally, it relented and I got it off. And there was NO BLOCKAGE THERE. Even more odd was the lack of a bad smell or anything. So Im thinking that perhaps the blockage is not in our inside pipes. So i tried to get the trap thingie back on...and I cant do it. :( *sadface*. So I have to call a damn plumber anyway. Argh! I was trying to avoid that. Really. So now, tomorrow I have to call the rental agents and they will have to get a plumber out and its the weekend and ARGH.

But whatever. Hubby is in cleaning the kitchen (since I did all the donkey work with the drain!) as we speak. Im just hoping that the landlord himself doesnt come over to try to sort it out. I really just want it sorted out once and for all. *more sadface*

I also commenced Project Flat-Sort by clearing out the wardrobe because we are getting rid of it. And I found new homes for a lot of the stuff that was in there but also put a lot of it to one side to be donated. And I went through our shoe cupboard. Why do we never throw old shoes away? This is a thing with us. Umpteen pairs of shoes that are no longer worn because theyre too small (tabby) or have holes in them...etc. Ugh. haha. So i chucked out a bunch of old shoes and put some aside to donate which are in amazing condition (read as: tabby's clarks shoes that she grew out of a few weeks after we bought them, so theyre essentially in mint condition.! argh! lol)

Ive been busy tonight but its good. Its kept my mind off food. I just feel frustrated because I cant just go through and sort what i want to sort and get it all DONE. lol.

Diet was great today. How are you guys doing? Ive sold quite a bit of my packs. Most of them, actually. So i need to go get them packaged up and see if i can wangle it so that hubby posts them off for me tomorrow on his way to work. :D
Fantastic New Year and Restart!

Awesome losses. I message you on FB, earlier.

Sorry about your cat. I know your pain. It's very difficult to rehome a cat. I had to place mind when I moved to UK as I couldn't bear to quarantine them for 6 months (back in the day).
Mel, I messaged you back on fb honeybee. Ive got loads left. Just shoot me a message which the flavours you want and I will count them up for you x

We have decided to keep Lyra (our cat, he's a boy. we were told he was a girl when we got him. the name had already stuck. haha) and just re-arrange the flat to suit him a bit more. We have a baby gate on the door between the bedroom and hallway leading into the livingroom. so we are going to get rid of the wardrobe (we arent one for hanging clothes up anyway...we have 3 sets of drawers just for me and mal lol) as we dont really use it anyway..its just a dumping ground. Where the wardrobe is currently, we will put his play station tower thing. the baby gate will come off the door and we will just start closing him in there so that he will have the bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. His fave window sill is in the bedroom anyway so he should be perfectly fine and that is plenty of space for him. That will keep him away from the girls and allow the girls to have access to the livingroom and playroom with no worries that he is going to get stressed and scratch them.

Hopefully he will be happier. And there will be less chance of any injuries occurring. Poor boy. We love him but he is just impossible these days. That said...we arent ready to give up on him just yet :) So we shall try it this way and see.
No wonder he's annoyed - Lyra? That's almost as bad as a "Boy Named Sue"! ;)

I'm impressed with your quick deChristmasing and Spring Cleaning!

I'll message back. :D thanks!
Well done for getting back on it, looks like a big loss for you this week x
de-cluttering my entire house was my 2013 resolution but it didn't get further than clearing out ONE drawer in the kitchen!! haha

so sweet that you don't want your hubby to go back to work I'd be desperate for mine to go back! You sound like a cute family hanging out and going out to do stuff.
Oh no you can't get rid of him. He's family! I hope the rearrangements will make him happier though.
How's it going diet wise? Anymore overnight ridiculously high losses?! ;)
You're in for a big loss this week honey!
Have a good day.

M x

I didnt weigh this morning. *Gasp* I know!! Haha.Tomorrow is WI for the "week" though. I had to jump in the shower cuz we slept a bit longer than we shouldve and I wanted to have a shower because I have to ring the estate agents about the sink and just in case, on the off chance they actually send someone out. My house is filthy but I didnt want to be. hahaha. ew.

So hopefully tomorrow will be a nice little loss. Im a little worried as I didnt...erm...GO yesterday. Or the day before. ew ew. lol And I didnt get up at all through the night to pee. Im gonna try to get in a full 4L of water and at least 4 cups of coffee. Anyway. Regardless. I will weigh in tomorrow and then I can finally start a full week. Properly!

Todays food -

AC porridge pancakes
Spag bol
Atkins Endulge bar

coffee, water

Oh...and as for the cat. We dont want to get rid of him, but he's been increasingly aggressive and I cant risk him hurting one of my girls. So we have tried all ways and will give this a shot. Ive never just "gotten rid" of an animal before..but if it comes down to girls will win out. Hopefully this will help though.