Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Boo re sink, such a pain. I remember when my daughter threw a whole punnet of nectarines down toilet, oh boy!

Re Lyra, ever heard of rescue remedy? Herbal calming medicine (safe to use even in pregnancy) and read on here another lady gives it to her cat. May help him settle? Good luck to him in new area.

Here's hoping for another woosh for you this am. I buckled around lunch time and was naughty twice but still lost a 1lb. Back on with vengeance today and no buckling today.

Found this for motivation too, thought it was great x


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I have heard of rescue remedy actually. A friend of mine suggested that. We had a look on amazon just before christmas. We may give that a go....but the feliway (cat pheromones) didnt even not holding out much hope that it will make a huge difference, if any at all. But weorth a shot, I suppose. And its all herbal, so it cant hurt! xx

I'm not a fan of daily weighing -- but with the losses you've been having it'd be tough to resist.

Kind of a Catch 22 -- you need to clean in case they come to sort your sink, but it's tough to clean without your sink working.

FYI There is a decluttering thread on this forum.

Impressed with how well you've gotten back on track. Willpower!
Haha! A decluttering thread! Brilliant. Must follow at once! I only have one more wardrobe left to sort out which I will do tomorrow and then I plan to put a whole load of stuff on eBay. Some of the things I own have never been worn. It's ridiculous. Must get rid..

M x
Hey well done hun for gettin into the zone :) can i js ask regarding the eggs? Is it js the egg whites tht u have not the yolk? And also is that classed as the fourth meal/ protein and three packs then? Im on day three resisted major temptation omg lool...nearly felll runnin up the stairs away frm the fridge....??? feel orite nw that iv had spicy spag n one litre of water...i am going to try n aim for three litres tdai and cottage pie and then choc shake with bits going to attempt to try n mke then into biscuits/brownies or sumthing in the microwave with as less water in them as possible no idea id will manage bt oh will attempt it lol x
My eggs arent considered anything, meal/pack- wise. Just eggs. I dont follow any one single plan...I just found what works for me. And thats mixing VLCD food packs (S&S and Exante) and eggs. I use MFP and keep my cals between 750 and 875 and my carbs between 55 and 65. Eggs are a great source of protein and carb free so thats is why I chose eggs. That and I dont really eat meat. Good luck.
Had a very (ok...sorta) productive day today. I got the freezer defrosted and few other things. Hacking away at the ridiculous ice and frosty junk in the freezer has done me in though. I am so sore! Just shows how VERY out-of-shape I am. Booo.

Im exhausted now. WI tomorrow....we shall see what that brings. Still TOTMing and bloated and bleurgh. Not been to the loo much considering Ive had 4L of water today and 4 cups of coffee. Oh well. Ive held up my end of the bargain. As long as I continue to do so, it will come off eventually.

A friend i havent seen for quite a few weeks has invited herself over tomorrow afternoon. The house is tip and although I love her to bits, I really wish I could say not tomorrow. But I cancelled on her the last time we had plans - so I cant. So tomorrow morning is asda food delivery and cleaning the best i can! bleh.

Had a very (ok...sorta) productive day today. I got the freezer defrosted and few other things. Hacking away at the ridiculous ice and frosty junk in the freezer has done me in though. I am so sore! Just shows how VERY out-of-shape I am. Booo.

Im exhausted now. WI tomorrow....we shall see what that brings. Still TOTMing and bloated and bleurgh. Not been to the loo much considering Ive had 4L of water today and 4 cups of coffee. Oh well. Ive held up my end of the bargain. As long as I continue to do so, it will come off eventually.

A friend i havent seen for quite a few weeks has invited herself over tomorrow afternoon. The house is tip and although I love her to bits, I really wish I could say not tomorrow. But I cancelled on her the last time we had plans - so I cant. So tomorrow morning is asda food delivery and cleaning the best i can! bleh.


Having a friend over is good motivation to tidy the tip -- and she's coming to see you, not your home. :D
Just concentrate on the essential rooms she'll see like lounge and bathroom and hall! :)

You're retaining water - you tend to each month so don't be disheartened at weigh in if it's a few pounds over what you're expecting as water is weighty and it'll all pee out soon!! :)

Good luck for weigh in! Xx
Morning :)

WI - 236.6 so exactly 8lbs off for the week. When I say week, I mean since Wednesday. lol. I will take it. Thats fine by me. I will just keep on truckin'. Im actually excited to have my first FULL week ahead of me. Im not expecting anything tremendous since I just lost 8lbs (water, but still) in a few body may need to catch up to itself. lol. But I hope I get to tick off at least one more min-mini-goal next Sunday :)

Food today -

spag bol
atkins endulge
2 eggs

coffee, water

Hubby is home today and our shopping will be here between 10 and 11. so im off to start cleaning up. bleurgh. it wouldnt be such a thing if the sink wasnt knackered. the dishes are piled up and so is the laundry and its just a huge problem. :(
Well done on the loss hun! I don't envy you re cleaning up, not one of my strong points, but like someone else said, do what you can in the rooms she'll see and forget the rest. Don't be too hard on yourself, again, like has been said, she's coming to see you not your place (having said that, I've been in your position in the past (and probably will be again in the future) so know how you feel). Hope you have a good day anyway x
I always hide everything in my bedroom then close the door :D

you can guarantee that OH or kids will go in there and leave the door open though and I'm like 'CLOSE THE DOOOOOOOOOOR' heaven forbid people should see how slovenly I really am!

8lbs since Wednesday!! WOW WEE girlfriend...and you say 'I'll take it' like, 'yeah it's alriiight but....' -it's fantastic!
Ive given up on soups for good, i think. I hated them the first time around and its no better this time. I think maybe because i REALLY love REAL soup and these are NOT LIKE real soup AT ALL. haha. Ew. I dunno. Theyre just awful. Ive given up the plan to go onto S&S fully, I think. For the time being, anyway. I will continue to do my mix of Exante and S&S with a couple of eggs, etc. I had been. It was working and its the packs that I like and enjoy having. I figure as long as Im going to do this I may as well make it as easy and pleasant for myself as I can, right? And since it was working before I stopped for christmas, why knock it? lol.

Im struggling with the shakes, mainly because its just so friggin cold. I wouldnt have nearly the issue with them that i do in the summer. HA! But I will just have to follow my shake with a cup of coffee to counter-act the brr-factor and deal with it.

Oh and someone asked what a Smoothie 2 Go is....its this...Buy KENWOOD SB054 Smoothie2Go Blender - Silver | Free Delivery | Currys

I LOVE it. Seriously. LOVE IT. I make my shakes with ice and water and theyre gorgeous (but cold...but i cant drink them without the ice blended in. bleh!) and this is convenient and SO powerful. LOVE it and that's a bargain price as its free delivery! I had looked for one months ago much to the recommendation of several women in the fb VLCD group and it was always around £25. So when I saw this the other day..I snapped it up! :D Merry Christmas to me! haha.

Lol! I've had one of these for a couple of years. Love it for making smoothies but never considered it for s&s shakes! Doh!
No wonder he's annoyed - Lyra? That's almost as bad as a "Boy Named Sue"! ;)

I'm impressed with your quick deChristmasing and Spring Cleaning!

I'll message back. :D thanks!

Just catching up...I had a hamster named Lyra... His dark materials...long time ago now! Love the name! (Even for a boy...)
You are amazing! An inspiration! I tried to sort out my house, but have left it a worse tip than ever... Must get listing on eBay! And you plumb as well - I've never tried to remove an s (or u, can't remember) bend in my life!

And well done on the stonking weight loss. Keep it up, I need all the inspiration I can get! I have been avoiding minimins - always do when I'm misbehaving, food wise! It's too much like a conscience.
Yes. His Dark Materials!! Lyra "Silvertongue" Belacqua!! <3 Thats where his name came from. I wouldve named tabby that but we used it for Lyra (the cat) years before. lol. I wish The Book of Dust would get written already. Or finished. Or something. Boo.

Anyway. Lou! LOL. I used to do the bedroom trick too but...the way my flat is set up now...we use the lounge/livingroom as the bedroom. So you come in the front door, down the hall and the room that you would usually go into as the livingroom, which connects to the kitchen (and that connects to the bathroom) is now our bedroom. I know. Weird. So in order to go to the bathroom you gotta go through the bedroom but we get SO FEW visitors, seriously....that we decided to use our space the way that suits us best. So I have nowhere to hide the stuff. I could shove stuff in the playroom, and may end up doing that just to speed things up...but that room is very small and already pretty upside-down and messy. lol. Argh. SLOB!

One egg and one pancakes (haha one pancakes? nice English usage, Kel) down. 2 coffees down. Now, to start on water.

Aww, hubby cleaned the bathroom cuz he knows its the one thing i loathe. LOATHE. lol.
Oh and like...I know I seem a bit blase about the weight loss. Its not me being aloof or sure of myself or anything. Certainly not cocky. Just...its 8lbs AFTER BINGING NON-STOP ON ALL MANNER OF CARB FILLED FOODSTUFFS. You know? So Im thrilled with it. But I kinda...expected it. And its mostly water. And I had gained SO MUCH that its not like actual progress towards goal, in my mind...if that makes sense? Once I get back to 230lb-ish...then I will start considering it proper progress, again. So its kinda not a big deal. Not great achievement....yanno? Yeah, Im my harshest critic and all Anyway. Thanks guys. :) xxx
Oh and like...I know I seem a bit blase about the weight loss. Its not me being aloof or sure of myself or anything. Certainly not cocky. Just...its 8lbs AFTER BINGING NON-STOP ON ALL MANNER OF CARB FILLED FOODSTUFFS. You know? So Im thrilled with it. But I kinda...expected it. And its mostly water. And I had gained SO MUCH that its not like actual progress towards goal, in my mind...if that makes sense? Once I get back to 230lb-ish...then I will start considering it proper progress, again. So its kinda not a big deal. Not great achievement....yanno? Yeah, Im my harshest critic and all Anyway. Thanks guys. :) xxx

Yes but regardless of weight loss, you are back on track and working towards your goal. I, and many others I'm sure, are still floundering around pretending it's still Christmas - how can I not admire that?! But no more. I'm back on it TODAY! No leaving it tomorrow, because it's a Monday etc...
Well done on the 8lb loss, that's fantastic xx