has lying hips
Yorkie - you certainly can see a difference! It's amazing how much difference 4 weeks can make!!!! Well done!
B_D you look beautiful.well doneThis is me after my first son was born. I was totally shocked when i saw this picture
9st 9lbs to br precise. And I have discovered the devise known as the belt. Apparently, it is used to hold up your trousers and skirts and I need one. I had forgotten that it existed Photo Gallery - Message
Oh Angel, I felt exactly like you back in August last year when I was starting LL. I've lost 96lbs. That's a lot! I am proof that it CAN be done. I have never been able to achieve it before, but if I can, YOU can too! It IS possible!
Hi Angel and Janey,
As AmandaJayne has said so many of us have felt exactly the same way and I think regardless of diet that support and determination is key to success.
We all have those days when our feet feel like lead and we think we can't do it and coming here to the Before And After photos is truly inspirational when you see that others started out in the same place and have achieved so well.
It does give you a lift and motivates me to push ahead.
Love Mini xxx