Before & After Photo Thread of Inspiration!!! Post Your photos here!

Don't you just love b4 & after pix :O
Aww Shelbell you look absolutely fabulous your such an inspiration to me :) well done hun xxx
Wow Shelbell! Just amazing! Well done :)
Everyone's pictures on here are absolutely amazing. They are VERY motivational. I'd like to say thank you for everyone for posting them, I know it's definitinely given me a much needed push! I think I'll be on this thread every night now!!! :D
You are all such an insperation!! you must be so proud of yourselves!
Well, you're all the biggest bunch of losers I ever did see!

Thanks for the kick up the bum and for sharing. xxx
Well I'm not sure about looking good but deffinately looking less

Well done you, i bet you feel fantastic!! You really should be proud of yourself... def inspirational. Keep up the amazing work... Olivia.

ps - have this horrific urge to start calling you "yam" LOL hope that made you chuckle.