Izmirka - it will take a very, very long time to like yourself.. I'm still finding this aspect very difficult. But at the end of the day, when you look around you, people are are overweight and are just happy with themselves - aren't they beautiful? Obsessing over looks is unhealthy and makes you worry too much. So what if your *insert body part here* are a bit flabby in your perception? Chances are over-all you look fabulous. I was told that if I lost any more I'd look out-of-proportion. Perhaps it is important to consider that obsession can lead to an endless battle, no matter how thin you are you will always see yourself as inadequate. There is a time, I believe, when as a person, you need to take a step back and look at your achievement as a whole. Maybe not you personally, but, ... well you know what I mean.

Size 6-8 is a little bit ... small. I mean it's the golden standard apparently according to society nowdays, but at the end of the day - there is a line you need to draw, and ask yourself truthfully, are you happy with what you have achieved? Look around you and assess what it is you truly need, and want. I'd suggest have a go at maintaining it. That's the hardest part of all!
Yeah totally! I just avoid mirrors ha ha.. But then it's not like it's sneaked up on me or I don't know why it's happened. I know it's because I don't exercise enough (especially since getting made redundant!) I eat too much and more importantly I eat the wrong stuff, I just love chocolate, biscuits and cakes! So I'm not totally in denial. It's so good being able to talk to people that know what it's like now I found this forum!
On a separate note, Minerva- You look brilliant. I just don't understand how it can be that people whose BMI over 25 is considered "overweight" when you, by no stretch of the imagination are...!!!
Heeee, snacking - snacking is tasty, I admit, but like me, if you have a problem, actually buy some tupperware, and decide on snacks you can have for the day! Divide them, a few squares of chocolate, some crisps, and have a little bit at a time throughout the day! A little can stretch quite a while if you savour it!

Enjoy it, eat it slowly. Take a square of choc, or a crisp from the box, and go to another room, and take tiny bites...! You're less likely to go back for more if you take it away!... at least in theory. ...
Lol, and BMI isn't necessarily the best measure for these things to be honest, even if someone is "overweight" in BMI doesn't mean they can't be happy (or that they are actually fat at all, I mean an absolutely muscular person can be clinically obese according to that thing!)!

But thank you ever so much for your kind words! I believe I need to work on self confidence a little more, then I will be happy no matter what I look like.....!