Before it's too late...

I was almost too scared to get on the scales this morning. I've been really good but I'm having, erm, 'tummy issues' we'll call it and I also felt like maybe last week was too good to be true...

Anyway, sneaky peak revealed 10st 1!!!! Oooooh yeah!
I did the same, bought stacks of size 12 and ended shopping bagful after bagful.

I'm.hungry too. Have massively stepped up exercise levels - am.doing a spin class five times a week on average as well as the odd run and cardio combat class. I'm tired but fitter. The scales don't move massively but it does make a big difference to my shape.

Plus it means I can eat what unlike on Saturdays and don't put any lbs on

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On days that I run I feel hungry all of the time. FEEEED MEEEE.
Yowser, I'm not surprised you're tired!
I really need to step it up once my weight is where I want it to be. My fella has given me these rubber band things (technical term right there) for arms and stretches and what not. They are all different colours and came in a nice bag so I was happy to accept :D
He's got weights a kettle bells floating around too. Might pilfer some more things. I need to tone. Although not sure what I can do about my lower tum.
Kettle.bells are not great. You have to be absolutely sure about the correct form because it's easy to injure yourself using them.

I like cardio for fat burn and I'm looking into strengthening stuff.

Ooh 10 1. You'll be 9 stone something in a weeks time! What's the ultimate goal? I daren't go lower than 9 5 because I look a bit gaunt in the face when I do. I am happy at anything up to about 9 10 ish - I'm 5 ft 4 like you and think it's about right for our height, anything in the 9s really.

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I was thinking about this earlier. 9st anything would be amazing. I'm bottom heavy so I think I look smaller on first glance, plus I like having a round bottom :D
When I was 18 I was 9st 5 and was always being called a lollipop head, was called skinny 'but not in a good way' and my then boyf was always banging on at me to eat. So maybe not that. Again I just think it's because of how I carry the weight. Hmmmm. 9st 10 appeals but then my total loss would be 9st 9 for a nice round 75lb loss? :D

Just bought a size 8 coat...


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Love the coat, you look very slim :)

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Awww thank you. Getting there :)
So unbelievably impatient for my goats cheese salad tonight. Hurry up tea time!!!!!
That is all :D :D


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Actually that's not all, I've just realised that means I've lost 70lbs. 5 whole stone!!! A third of myself. Ha ha.
here to follow :) love the coat!! xx

Oh I wouldn't bother, I don't get up to much :D
Thanks. I'm loving my coat too. I've just replied on your diary. X
Fine thanks :) still here, still boring. X

Haven't been on the scales since Friday. Not sure why really. Also got told I looked 'scrawny' by my little girl's Dad on Saturday and that she needed 'a healthy Mum not one in hospital on a drip because she's not eating'. Douche. Although had the 'talk' from my Mum too yesterday that it's enough now. I don't know what's up with them. It's not like I'm wasting away! Ha. Although it has made me feel like I'll be justified in eating a mince pie today :D I don't even like them that much but I really want one! X
Can't stop thinking about junk today. All I want is biscuits, pastry, chocolate and crisps!
I've not had any carbs at all yet today but I want some so bad!!!! Lots of them! :D
I've already had breakfast and lunch and it has only just turned 12!
I see lots of green tea (or a pizza and biscuits) in my future...
I get the scrawny thing sometimes as well. I think it a fair comment at 7 stone but at 9 stone something.. err no.

Don't eat the nice food - although I'm.dying to stuff my face today too

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Are you resisting? I far. It's blinmin' hard today.
Yes but I'm hungry. I've done a spin class today plus walked about loads at work and I'm contemplating dinner now.

A goats cheese salad is NOT exciting me right now
You need some fresh, warm crusty bread to go with that...sorry not helpful.
One thing I do miss about the extra timber is the warmth. Are you noticing the cold more?? I'm constantly freezing. I used to be a bit of a sweaty Betty :D