Day 26
Hahahaah! Thanks nzmegs - that is a MEAN doctor. I felt bright and fresh and wonderful all weekend! I have started putting salt on all my packs. Well, no, not the shakes, that would be too much! But as you say - everyone has moments where they feel less than great - I think it was just one of those. I feel happy as larry ever since, healthy. i've been walking the dogs, dancing around to the radio, washing, ironing, tidying, whistling, seeing friends, an absolutely fine weekend. Still on form today too. All most bizarre but part of this process. So for now, I'm just going to take care of myself, keep the salt up and keep going.
Skinny - ouchy re the bowels...cruel bowels! Poor thing, it can't last forever, can it?!!! I am literally looking forward to the day you update us to say you've been - what does this diet do to us starting to join in with other people's bowel movements

!! Good girl on the scales. i have a set on top of the kitchen cupboards that I can't reach. but my OH can and will let me look as a treat if I'm flagging. But no more than once a week in addition to my proper weigh in. It's hard at first, I'm a thrice a day girl normally, morning, home from work, before bed, but what good does it do? Nothing. So another thing I am changing is to not obsess about the scales and you sound as if you're doing it too. We will rock this new way of life!
I had another lightbulb day yesterday. Well, no. that's a lie, there was a regretful moment too. I went to the local supermarket to buy the OH food and some cleaning products and general bits we need. As I wandered around all the people of the world seemed to be out trying to buy Christmas food. Piling their trollies high, ramming and cramming the aisles. I was taken by the sheer volume of food that people buy, and by the fact that we're not even in December yet but people are already buying so much of this Christmas 'specialist' food. Are we all that desperate to be comforted that we're bringing the eating of special foods back so early? Will we start doign it in September then August, then every rainy day? Do we really need it all? Aren't we fools for falling for the supermarket ploys to get us buying? 'Look at you, fools,' I thought, 'falling for every 2 for 1 ploy going,' and then BANG I realised--- this was me,
EVERYDAY! To get to this point (or rather, the point I was at 4 weeks ago) I have spent every day acting like a glutinous child buying food for Christmas. They're selling x, y and z food, it's Monday, it's no longer a treat it's a way of survival, I must have all the food and consume it in an evening, so I can start again tomorrow. What was I celebrating? I wasn't, I was sad and down and reliant. I hadn't been enjoying the flavours and specialness of good tasting food. I just ate, and ate, and ate. So when I think 'oh no, without food what is my reward?' or 'Will I ever believe things other than food can be real treats?' I have to realise, it was never a reward for me in the first place. It was a constant anaesthetic. I was a consumer, and I consumed. That is all. No pleasure was taken in it, only in the chewing of it. So it was a weird experience yesterday, the digust at us all shopping for such bad foods to celebrate a special time, and the realisation that it could be a 'special food day' if it weren't for the fact I had been having a daily Christmas for the last year all wrapped up in a weird distanced observation.
In the end I bought some new PJs, a face mask, 7 bottles of fizzy water and all the stuff we needed for the house. But it was psycholocially quite a revelation.