BEN!!!! Wowzer!! Fancy seeing you on here. How are you? Doing fantasically and looking slim and gorgeous by the looks of it!!! I can't believe I have just bumped into you on here haha. I have just read your diary and you have done soooo well...go you!!! Wooohooo!
I am on the cambridge diet at the moment..its hardcore and I have decided to only do it for 2 weeks in order to detox/kick start and loose the weight I have put on in the last year from my honeymoon and a month in Oz....well, a girl has to enjoy herself every now and then haha!!! I have assumed I will go back to slimming world but after reading your journey maybe I should give WW a go. I still can't believe I have seen you on here haha!!! FAB!!!! Hows all the composition and T Horn coming along? Are you still banding?? Anyway, hope your well and take care matey,
Michelle (Gurkin

!) x x x