Morning dd good thanks dude! And yourself? Its still blimming freezing- can't wait til Summer now.
LOVE LOVE the hedgehog pots Jo!!!!!!!!!!

I am def going to make some once back up and running at the flat
Another good day yesterday apart from pulling a muscle in my bum at the gym doing walking planks. It hurt so much I actually shouted "ouch!" and it was right at the beginning so the rest of the class wasn't great. It feels ok this morning so will see if I can do circuits later on.
I think the oven is ok, the guy has lost the manual which is annoying as I can't check so will keep pestering him about a copy of that, but basically when I turn the nobs (1 for temp and 1 to select fan/grill etc) the light obviously comes on and the oven heats up. Put food in and it works fine, but when I take the food out and turn both nobs back to 0 the light is still on in the oven- I thought this meant it was faulty but maybe it just stays on whilst it cools down inside then goes off automatically as 1/2 hr or so later it was off?
I feel really paranoid about using things as it all looks so swish I dont want to ruin it haha! Hence my soup dinners and been making bf meals in the oven rather than hob as not sure if any of our pans work on it as we have gone from gas to induction??
We have one of the old builders in today to change a couple of radiators AND our decorators are starting with the full job on the whole flat - which I cannot WAIT for as we did a slapdash DIY paint job when I moved in in 2009 (and have had numerous v ridiculous parties since then) so it will be lovely to be all fresh and fancy for us, plus he is stripping away all the woodchip from the rooms with it HOORAY! After thats done (maybe a week or two?) we just need carpets and to find a new sofa then it will be lovely!
We are going to stay at the flat tonight then move to bfs parents house Thursday night and play it by ear in terms of where they are painting etc. Only problem will be going back every evening after work to shuffle stuff around from room to room as best we can to clear space I guess.
Anyway!! Good food day yesterday, except the malteser bunny (naughty)
Cuppa 30
Shapers mint choc bar 81
125g raspberries 31
Tesco mini salmon sushi 130
Banana 95
Covent garden winter broth soup (delish- might have this tonight also) 192
Mars icecream 139
Malteser bunny 157
Sleepytime tea bag 0
Not sure on steps as didn't sync my fitbit but I think it was 9,000
Going to have another low low day before WI tomorrow and then back to 1200-1500 weekdays and higher on weekends. Mini target is 130lbs for 1st Feb.