Berry's diary

Hi t2g thanks for dropping by. I'm ok thanks just uber busy with work and final bits and bobs before I go on holiday on Saturday so bit stressed out. Had a reasonably good week in the green last week apart from the weekend, this week has been trickier as I have plans every single evening but making the best choices I can.

It is just ridiculously busy now, hols for two weeks then a hen do followed by a wedding the next consecutive weekends. Just doing my best and hopefully will be back below 130 lbs by end of June when I go on next holiday with my friends.

Hope you are getting on ok x
Have a lovely holiday!!

I have just paid mine up today so the countdown is officially on!!!
hi berry
hope you've had a good holiday and everything is ok and your just still in holiday mode lol ;)

take care x
Hi Jo

Thanks for thinking of me :) had an amazing hols but have been a bit off the wagon to be honest - up to 139 lbs :( from my lowest of 129 back in Feb. Annoying but I am trying to keep on track, I have been running at the gym on my lunchtimes to try and burn away as much as poss and will look to add back in strength and toning at some point soon. Also bought a blender and have been having homemade smoothies every morning for breakfast which are delicious. I go on hols again on 22nd June so would like to be under 135 by then at the very most. Wish me luck !
Hope you have all been trucking on well :)
Ok going to report until my hol on 22nd June as I just seem to be gaining and gaining

RESTART 139 lbs 9st 13 :( :(

That is bigger than my 2013 start weight! but still a stone down on my beginning weight. I really need to try and see where I am going wrong. I am still eating healthily but going to try and cut down on sugars/carbs to boost the losses. Been busy at work so not been able to make as many classes at the gym but have been utilising the fitbit and making sure I hit 10,000 almost every day. Started running 1/2 hr at lunchtimes 3 times a week as well. Feeling down in the dumps as I need to be in a bikini in two weeks and I could have been at goal by now. No point complaining though I just need to concentrate and get back into things. Next weigh in will be on Thursday.


Green smoothie 200
Banana 108
Almond milk 26
Kale 17
Spinach 7
Strawberries 14
Total 0% 29

Raspberries 34
Smoked salmon sushi snack pack 115
Tesco 50g nut mix 297

Waitrose fish pie 258
Petit pois 70

S Muesli 500

TOTAL 1,474
STEPS 9,417
Last edited:
Choco banana protein smoothie 267

Beetroot and pearl barley salad (tesco) 210
Pink lady apple snack pack 41
Go ahead choc orange things 146

Home made delicious chilli over spinach leaves

Mushrooms 13
Courgette 18
Onion 19
Tinned toms 44
Kidney beans 96
Extra lean mince beef 252
Cottage cheese 37

Slutty brownies 320

TOTAL 1,463
STEPS - My fitbit was left on exercise bra so didn't track :(


Super green smoothie 200
(spinach, kale, banana, strawberry, almond milk, cinnamon)

Home made chicken caesear salad 297

Sea bass fillet 144
Grilled asparagus 20
Curly kale 36
Waitrose barley, wheat berries, spelt and rice 208

Slutty brownies 800

TOTAL 1,705
STEPS 15,230

NET 1,044

Today's weigh in 137.6 lbs

Your food diarys sound great and you are doing well, I really want to hit the 133lb mark by September and I am currently floating up and down from 138-140 it's hard now , how are you finding it
Hey dd- finding it soooo hard if I'm honest. Trying to concentrate on as much exercise/walking as possible and eating as much clean healthy food as possible. I am going to really make the effort to try and make salads for work lunch as I had just been having fruit as it was the quickest, healthiest thing in the Tesco beneath the office which wasn't enough and then binging when I got home in the evenings.

My exercise plan going forward is a minimum of three 30minute lunch time runs in the gym in the work week and one longer 45min-1hr run at weekends. I also need to start the Shred again or something for toning/strength work, considering kettle bells. I have found this girl on youtube called Cassie who does a thing called Blogilates and she has some really hilarious workouts on there so might set myself the task of doing at least one of those a day.

Its so frustrating to feel like the body you have always wanted is so close but I just can't seem to get there!



Cuppa 30
Sainsbury fruit & nut muesli 380

Client lunch as fancy french restuarant so tiny portions but v rich. I had sea bream carpaccio to start, a small bread roll, 1 glass white wine, and my main was the veggie option which was "green tulip, courgette and almonds" it had beetroot as well and kind of tasted like risotto. It was delicious but no idea of total cals. I bunged some stuff into MFP and estimated 968 to be safe but hopefully it was less. I had a cappuccino and truffle afterwards as well.

Homemade chicken caesar salad (my fav at the moment) 297
Mini magnum 160

TOTAL 1,835
STEPS 13,810 (did 5km run at the gym after work)
NET 1,254
I know what you mean I feel like there are no allowances or cheats now,

Your lunch sounds amazing better than my scrambled eggs today lol
I love a chicken Caesar salad mmmm have a good weekend sweetie xx
Had a good weekend, lots of tasty food but did quite a bit of exercise too.


Cuppa 30
9bar 222

Smoked salmon sushi pack 115
Pineapple mango and strawberry 80

Scottish Salmon Fillet 231
Courgette 18
Young spinach 15
Quinoa 91
Mini magnum 160

M&S mini choc fingers 250

TOTAL 1,212
STEPS 12,448
NET 689

5km run at the gym on my lunch break :D 31 mins.

Cuppa 30
Go Ahead Choc thin 146

Ribena plus drink 26
Salt & Vinegar squares 121
Raspberries 34

Chicken breast fillets 198
Peppers 15
Waitrose tomato chilli pasta sauce 102
Amori pasta 293
Cottage cheese 73
Strawberry cornetto 140

Muesli 475

Gym at lunch 15 min run @ 10kmph and then 15 min intervals at 6.5kmph and 12/13kmph
Walked to the shops after work (takes 1/2 hr 45 min)

TOTAL 1,653
STEPS 17,152
NET 873

Peeked at scales this morning though and they are going UP - what the ffffffffffffff

Ate healthily but drank a lot and did not much exercise bar leisurely dips in the sea, strolls into town and dancing!

Going to give the 5/2 diet a go to see if it can kickstart my losses as I have been appalling for months now.

MON (500)
TUE (1200-1350)
WED (500)
THU (1200-1350)
FRI (1200-1500)
SAT (1500-2000)
SUN (1200-1350)

The other days I will still calorie count and aim to stay 1200-1350 weekdays and below 1500-2000 weekends. Will start up lunchtime runs again once I have got back into the swing at work and really try my upmost to go the whole bloody Shred which I have never completed.

I will be interested to see if the two 500 days help me at all.

Today have only had water so far and will see what the best <200 cal option is in Tesco for lunch as haven't had time to prepare lunch at home or anything. This evening I will have a covent garden soup as I know I have one in the freezer then my Ocado delivery comes tomorrow evening.
Rooting for you :) glad u enjoyed you holiday! X
Thanks guys! Day 1 successfully completed THANK GOD...

Cup of tea 30
Snack a jacks 106
Granny smith apple 80
Covent garden soup 258
Highlights hot choc 40

TUE (1200-1350)
WED (500)
THU (1200-1350)
FRI (1200-1500)
SAT (1500-2000)
SUN (1200-1350)