Big body squad

Why should it be shame on me? I haven't asked anyone to agree with my opinion and its not going to change and I'm not ashamed of the way I feel so no offence just deal with it! I'm entitled to feel and say what I want that's the beauty of freedom of speech.

I don't see how anyone can reach 40+ stone and not notice, even when my weight started creeping up through the stones I knew I had a problem I just thought it could be tomorrows problem until one day it was tomorrow!

I've never said that there aren't illnesses that will increase weight but an illness alone won't make you hit 30, 40, 50 stone and telling yourself that is a big fat lie just to make yourself feel better! I know I did it for 5 years I blamed my weight on hormones, on the steroids I was given when I was 10, on pcos on bad genes but they were all excuses in an attempt to comfort myself and at the end of the day it was the day I realised it was my hand putting food into my mouth that made me 19 stone nothing and none else was to blame.

People reaching that kind of weight need to accept some responsibility that it is their fault for getting to that weight! And if they can't well they will continue on the same destructive path until they die because of their weight.

You can't make excuses for getting fat you have to accept responsibility or your never going to change. I don't believe giving someone who can walk a lift and treating obesity as a disability is going to improve the level of obesity in the uk if anything its going to make it worse.

And just a note when I'm talking about steroids I refer just to me using it as an excuse and its not in reference to anyone else. I've lost 2 people recently to cancer - I know how difficult it is.

:sigh: In what is not a massive shock, you have failed to actually understand, read, or even bother to listen to the other side of the debate. Why did you invite opinions on an issue if you weren't even going to bother having engaging in a debate about it?
MissSlinky of course they notice they have got that big they aren't thick they need help, do you think they like sitting in a house everyday and wasting their lives?

Your posts are insulting to fat people, yes it is your opinion but I find it a very narrow minded opinion especially from somebody that is overweight themselves.

It is rather odd to post such a narrow minded opinion on a forum that is here to help and support people losing weight.

Have you ever though that somebody on here could weigh 30 stone plus and you have just made them feel rubbish, so hope you feel proud of yourself.
Your all missing my point,I'm disagreeing with excuses being made for being that size but when someone is proactive trying to solve their situation then that's brilliant respect to them and they deserve all the help they can get!

If anyone of any size knows they have a problem and starts looking for help dieting going to the gym that was on this programme which I praised earlier being designed specifically for people who are larger to help them feel more comfortable then that I have no problem I think that's wonderfull.

But when you have people on this programmes reaching 50 stone who say I don't eat much I don't know how this happened yes I have a problem with that.
I think this has got a bit out of hand now, I don't think anyone was having a go about people who are overweight, on a forum like this it would be a bit silly!
The original discussion was about how councils, NHS etc are dealing with the people on the programme and that it might not possibly be the best way.
I cannot believe how ignorant you are MissSlinky. I have never encountered such a total inability to hold a reasoned debate as I have read here. Have you ever tried to consider that maybe there are factors you haven't taken into account which contribute to other people's weight? Have you ever heard of emotional domestic abuse? What about depression and whole other host of mental illnesses? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, the act of agreeing to go on one of these programmes could be the first step to getting help for some of these people? Have you ever wondered about piping down with your narrow-minded opinions on a forum where someone in this situation might be looking for support?

I thought not.
It was never meant to sound like I was having a go at being overweight why would I I'm overweight aswell, all I'm trying to say is that I don't think that for those who reach 40+ stone and don't think they have a problem - and I don't mean people who extenuating circumstances which have aided the weight gain.

But someone like the half ton teen who even after getting surgery and loads of help but he was still eating terrible food and sitting in his bed playing games and watching tv - that makes me angry when someone has been given so much help but isn't using it that makes me cross and I don't see why someone like that who refuses to help themselves should be classed as disabled - yes its debilitating but I can't offer empathy to someone who cent help themselves.
I have a son who is disabled ,and find that people with disabilities get brought into most discussions when they don't need to to be.
I have read a lot of your posts missslinky and they always seem to end in arguments ,and it's a bit boring to read them now .
So someone who has SPD during pregnancy shouldn't get any disability aids or medical help because it was their choice to have unprotected sex? Someone who becomes paraplegic after an accident shouldn't have a wheelchair provided because it was their choice to go bungee jumping? Someone who needs a skin graft to treat facial burns shouldn't be allowed because it was their decision to have a barbecue?

Your argument is bobbins.
feggy said:
So someone who has SPD during pregnancy shouldn't get any disability aids or medical help because it was their choice to have unprotected sex? Someone who becomes paraplegic after an accident shouldn't have a wheelchair provided because it was their choice to go bungee jumping? Someone who needs a skin graft to treat facial burns shouldn't be allowed because it was their decision to have a barbecue?

Your argument is bobbins.

I'm sorry where the hell have you got that from don't be so ridiculous now making assumptions about me and me.

Where do you get off saying things like that. You don't know me or anything about me so don't put words into my mouth.
Why is that as soon as someone has a difference of opinion you all decide to gang up on them and start turning nasty. Not kingleds and vanilka_cupcake I was writing this as you posted.

I don't want anyone to agree with me but I should be able to state my opinion without feeling bullied and to start having people attacking me.

My husband doesn't agree with me either but he doesn't punch me in the face Everytime we disagree which is what you might aswell have just done with that comment.
MissSlinky, I think you sorta brought the attention on your defensiveness in this thread yourself when you posted in other threads referring back to it, and for their own reasons some people have agreed with my side of the debate and stated so.

I don't want to turn this into a slanging match, I'm not an argumentative person, but Feggy's reply was just one step along from what you were saying about it being their own choice / fault, it was a reasonable example to critique a debate on. If this thread and having to defend your opinions (from what you initially perceived incorrectly to be an argument / me having a go) is causing you upset then perhaps it's best left to bed now
I don't see any bullying on this thread. I see someone who doesn't like the fact that people are disagreeing with her and is choosing to flounce because of it. It's easy to pull the bullying card when things don't go your way, isn't it?

I'm leaving this thread now.
I havent read the whole thread as i'm in a hurry but just wanted to add something:

Here in Suffolk we have a man who was for sometime the fattest man in the UK. He had an army of carers and got funding for a gastric bypass and lost around 30 stone, I think.

He is down to 20 stones but they say he is actually a normal weight the excess left is the weight of metres of loose skin and is now able to lead a fairly normal life except the lose skin which is horrendous and stops him doing alot but the PCT wont fund the removal of the skin even tough looking at the pictures its extremely debilitating.

There was a radio phone in and he took alot of flack from people saying he put the fork into his mouth etc and people coming on and saying I took action with my weight when I got to 15 stone or another lady when she got stuck in a plane seat, someone on here taked about the last straw being not able to use a piece of medical equipment being thier turning point. Everyones turning points are different. My turning point was 24 stone. This mans turning point was further along the line.For some the turning point never comes and they die of an obesity related illness.

However, this lady who was giving this man alot of flack on the radio programme said to him. It's your fault and you shouldnt be helped. He replied have you ever smoked? She said yes, I smoked for thirty years but I gave up 3 years ago. He said to her, If you developed lung cancer due to your smoking, should you be treated? She didnt have an answer.
Serencymru said:
I'm new but I see people ganging up on one person which I think is cruel and I think it is bullying.

I know I was badly bullied at school and you all seem to be approaching the one person who is different in this thread the same way the group of bullies used to approach me.

I've read this from the beginning and it seems to me there are a lot of crossed wires on everyone's part, I can see and understand the points on both views and I actually disagree with both opinions but I won't be posting my opinion because I don't fancy being the victim of gang mentality again.

There was not one person being bullied in this thread. There have been several problem threads the past few days not just this one. I can assure you no one was being bullied nor is there a gang mentality on here
Serencymru said:
For someone new though it doesn't make a great impression to see one person being picked on?

As Starlight(our great and faithful leader/moderator)said in the post above, one person WASN'T being picked on tho :(