Big Boys Need Love Too!

And at stupid pounds per game I wonder where the money goes....hahaha.

Tell me about it!!! The amount of money i spend on computer games is shameful! I play online RPGs aswell (City of Heroes, great game, superheroes rock!!) So i also pay a monthly fee ontop of my normal addiction lol.

Noone ever tells you being a nerd is cheap!! lol
Thats the annoying part. I would normally just do it on Brick Lane, but they are being SOBs and we have to mark down the time and date it was on, so they know we actually watched it. They are tedious at best in this part of my degree. Thank god i am not doing it anymore lol.
Closest thing i have found so far is "ian rankin's hidden edinburgh" - Crime aurthor Ian Rankin takes a tour os hidden edminburgh, taking oms of this favourite places as well as those of his character , inspector is factual in that it is true places and his perspective as well as he is an aurthor and I am sure may explain the comings about and personality of his character in literature.
11:20pm next monday on BBC2
But I am sure I can find something else...
Or Mark lawson talks to GF New.... The crime drama writer duscusses his like and career. Responsible for the serials Law and Order and Judge John Deed, he also discusses his belilef in reincarnation. ( just a thought)
Yea, i am searching through the tv guide atm aswell
What about this one, not sure if it classes as Factual tho...

BBC Two, Saturday night, 10pm - 11pm
BBC - BBC Four - Comics Britannia Season

Look into how comic books changed. It should work, Comics are a mildly important part of mordern literature... and it might actually be something i could be interested in, for once. lol
to be honest those were crap, but that is about as good as it missed it though, there was a factual based program on about charles dickerns not that long ago about his like that his secret love affair and his writings....was quite good but I don't remember when it was on...but if you check on bbc online maybe they will show it on there?

Just a guess. I don't think what I found is REALLY what they are asking for, but it is up to you, you know what they want. i have checke d for the next week on BBC 1,2,3& 4.
most of the stuff you would want is on late at night....for a reason...hahaha
hmmmm....well to be hones that is the best one so far, but you need to think about how it will be graded and if the opinion of your lecturer would be that comics, whilst part of literature, are not quite what they are looking for.
Oh i don't give a crap what they think :) I only need to find 40% from this work, and the exam later in the month. After that, its welcome to vanish from my memory lol
oh my god tyn!! you play coh?? what's your global name and i'll add you :) me and oh met on there :D

abz xx
Omg, your on COX? What a bloody small world!! lol. I play on the USA servers, (played it since COH Beta, over 4 years ago) When they opened the EU servers and let us swap our account over. They didn't make it public, that only COH would go, you would lose access to your COV account, and have to buy a new copy of the game and make a new account. So i sent them a very strongly worded email, and had to stick to the USA servers.
oh no!! that's not fair, ha. i don't have a US account... doh!! the mate i work with was on it from the beginning too but he switched over... i've just asked him and he says that if you still want to move over they have totally combined coh and cov now so it might be worth checking with them again as both should now move across... apparently if you buy one now you automatically get access to both.

abz xx
Yea you do, but i have got all my 50s over there (3 controllers.. a dominator, and a corruptor and Widow mwhahaha) Besides, i hardly play it anymore, its got really boring! Looking forward to the next gen Hero game. From Cyptic (the original makers of COH) They are making something called Champions Online. Setting is almost as old as Dungeons and Dragons from what i know, but its the longest and biggest standing Superhero RPG (Fully customaizable powers from the get go, etc)

Champions Online Official Site You should check it out. I know i am going to be playing it! hehe
Its an online massive multiplayer roleplaying game (MMORPG) called City of Heroes/Villians ( ). Where you make yourself a superhero(ine) / Supervillian(ess) and generally save the world / try to destroy it with 1000's of people from all over the world. Its a computer game genre thats based on Everquest and Ultima Online etc, only you can fly and throw fireballs around.

Champions is the next step up. You can do all the stuff COH can do, but with alot more stuff added on top.

They are really great, if you want/need to waste hours upon hours of your life i sure have lol. Been playing them since i was about 15/16.
Oki, its official, i can never be famous thanks to my mate! lol. He has put a very horrible (yet cringe worthy funny) video up of us and a few of our friends, and a very camp night in last year. And O.M.G! I look horrible, sound horrible and i dance!!!! And Sing!! oh god... lol Can you be thrown in jail for murdering a friend for shaming you up so badly? lol
hey. i'm dead excited about champions online :) isn't that the one where previews show you freezing somebody and then someone with superstrength can pick them up in the block of ice and throw it at someone else? ha. i'm pretty sure that was champions. i haven't got one to 50 yet. i have one about 40 i think but i don't play much any more either. i am tonight as when i mentioned it to my mate craig he got all excited and said we should play again. ha. you are such a bad influence. so i'm at home now and waiting for him to finish at 7... hee.

abz xx