Big Boys Need Love Too!

good morning guys.

well i had a nice time this morning. although i have now gained 6lbs in three days. i have no idea how that is possible!! either i am carrying around immense amounts of food inside me, and i certainly haven't eaten 6lbs in weight of food or water retention has hit with force. so with a fortnight's holiday ahead of me i get the feeling that i'm going to come back with an awful lot more than a half a stone gain!! still. i am going to glug the water like a demon today and see if i can get rid of one or two. i don't look like i've suddenly gained 6lbs...

abz xx
Just don't worry about it Abz. Keep positive. You know you are doing well - you are changing things a bit and your body needs to adjust. This is a long journey but hey, it's for life and this is only a small moment in time. Let your body speak to you and maybe play its own games for a while. Have your fun in Denmark then treat it well again and you will get your rewards. Just remember that squatter pounds were never meant to be residents and if they don't hang around too long they will never gain squatters rights x
The weight goes on easy when you are in holiday-mode Abz.

Yeah it's true about the mornings, i always wake up early but I went to bed late last night so I haven't had enough sleep and I feel wiped out!
i did the same taz. stayed up late and then woke up with OH again at 6am. i did the same yesterday. hopefully once we are in denmark we'll learn to sleep in a bit. ha.

what are you guys up to on this dank and dreary day? it's trenching down here. just the weather to go shopping for holiday clothes :S

abz xx
I often do the same thing then wonder why I'm exhausted! Duh!

You're right about the weight and holiday mode. OK I admit that this week I have been out a couple of times since I have been back but even so, with careful eating most of the time (no starvation, just good healthy food) I have still shed 3 squatters since Tuesday morning. No surprise really that the other 2 haven't had chance to be booted out yet. x
I'm chilling today after 2 days back at work. Yes Abz, it's JUST the weather to buy holiday clothes - feel sunny in the rain!
Hey are you all.
Abz...don't worry about the weight hun, it takes time for your body to adjust. I have gained this week too and I am not too impressed. But I think I need to go back to red days as I think I will feel less bloated and be a bit regular again.

Will chat later...have to run LU to tumble tots....

Speak later.

Hello All,

I've been a bit busy but I wanted to check in with you all.

Good luck with the evil squatters. I hope I don't have any from eating at a friend's last night (I ate cheesecake :break_diet:) but I'll worry about that tomorrow. Eating an apple now and hoping things will balance.

Claire x and on busy....had to take LU to tumble tots...then, off to get the van cleaned inside and out, then off to the butchers to get meats and stuff....finally for back home at 2pm. Then had lunch...and I have been doing bits and pieces ever since. The middle of my back is hurting....not sure why, but hopefully it will be ok tomorrow.
I have had a bit of a quiet one really, went to Hayes to pick something up then stopped by my mum's on the way home. Met with my business partner as we had some work to do and she went home half hour ago and now I am chilling out!
well i got plenty of lovely tops, all in a size 16 to fit my middle although my boobs look HUGE in them. but my mate jo pointed out that they are huge and there wasn't an awful lot we could do about it *sigh* and i suppose she's right. but i feel much better in things that fit. i've gotten all my skirts out the wardrobe to pack and have tried them all on and they actually fit!! i don't think they even hung on my hips where they were supposed to when i bought them, i used to hitch them up to my waist where i'm thinner so that's a bonus :)

so yeah. kinda packed. ie a pile of things on the sofa :) there are things drying all over the house for packing tomorrow morning. the weather has been so wet and cold that nothing has dried inside the house since 6am this morning which is quite frankly, ridiculous. then i fell asleep all afternoon, ha. a quick trip to matalan in the morning to get OH some troos that fit and then we are off to the train station at about 11 :D woo. ha.

sounds like you all had a busy day. i'm going to glug some more water and go to bed :D

i'll be around and about on here while i'm away no doubt so i'll talk to you guys in a wee bit.

abz xx
Just checking back to see how you all are. Off to bed now. Night night x
:character00238: Good morning everyone :character00238:

What are you all doing today?

Abz - if you get on here at all this morning, have a safe journey and a lovely time in Denmark and don't worry about the squatter pounds - you can think about those later and they will come off quickly if you are determined when you get back, mine are nearly gone now and I'm hoping for a loss next week.

I'm hoping for a productive day today. I have been sorting out the kitchen cupboards and getting rid of anything out of date etc.

Have a good day everyone :character00238: x
It's Saturday, it's 8.30, and I'm up and have been awake for nearly an hour. I don't know why but it's annoying.

Abz - have a fabulous time. Looking forward to hearing about it.

I suppose, now I'm up, I should go and do things like laundry and washing up. It's enough to make me want to go back to bed.
Moning all, I slept much better last night so I am fresh as a daisy this morning. I am watching Life of Grime on UKTV People, it's the ones from Bristol. I had to laugh cus there are fountains on the centre and they had to clear out all the foam from the filters where someone had put a bottle of washing up liquid in there. On my 21st birthday me and my mate played in the bubble filled fountains in the early hours of the morning!
Hey Girlies!

Wohoo my face is now normal! The elephant man can now have his title back wohoo!! No pain, only a small bit of swelling on the inside and only 1 more day of drugs that make me want to sleep, alot, left!

And 7 days today until i move back to uni! wohoo!!

Gotta go into town today and get a phone cable, i broke mine about 2 months ago and so had no internet to my main computer for ages, but Dad and Sis need it for their main computer when they get their office back (IE: My room!) when i leave, so gotta rip the old one out and then put this one in, its annoying as i have to attach it to the wall from all the way downstairs! Blah! But if i do it today, then i have an extra week playing my computer game before i move back, so yay!

I also have to book the Sky tv thing for our new house, gonna have them come fit it on the day we move in (i hope) so we can crash out after a busy day of moving with some good TV and don't have to worry about the internet and we can buy our big items online, they ALWAYS make me drag all the big heavy things through town when we move into new places lol, plus i need a new computer chair so that will be easier to buy online lol.

Anyway, hope your all doing good!