Big Boys Need Love Too!

just found this bmi calculator on the nhs website which seems to be as accurate as you can be online. it figured out my bmi according to age, weight bla bla bla and has me down at 25.3, .2 down from what i was on another one that just asked my height and weight. anyway it's quite intriguing so if you fancy, check it out.

Healthy weight bmi calculator=

woo, come on abz, me and you can get rid of them .3/.4's asap! go team getting rid of decimal points! lol...
Looks like it's been the Abz & Elle show on here today. Where's everyone else got to?

Well guys, I got home at around 8.40 tonight and I'm knackered x
Awww, poor gem *hugs*. haha i like the sound of that, the Abz & Elle show. Abz i'm getting in touch with the beeb! x
Morning all, I went to Reading with a friend after work yesterday to do some window shopping so I didn't get back til late.

Gem, the trains are every half hour to Brum, I will find out today if I got the day off.
hey guys. have gotten up early because i'm not feeling well. went out to eat last night with a friend of mine. stuck to chicken and salad but i guess there must have been added carbs in there somwhere... ah well. i only have to work through today and then i've got a couple of days off to be grumpy, ha. weight still the same. i don't think it's ever going to move!!

abz xx
:character00238: Good morning everyone :character00238:

Had a crap night last night - quite restless and took ages to get to sleep. My daughter rang to say she might have to go into hospital again. She and the children have some sort of tummy bug and the doc was worried about dehydration and the vomiting bringing on labour.

By the time I get to school today it'll feel like I haven't been home at all so it's gonna be a long day. Still, get to the end of this week and it'll only be 3 weeks to the end of term :D I'm counting down.

Taz - Here's hoping you are able to come on Saturday - once we know we can book a nice early train and hopefully get to Brum not too long after Abz - around 10ish - you'll be able to check which train is needed for that :) x

Elle - I'm sure the Beeb will be very grateful for the Abz and Elle Show - after all Johathan and Russell have disgraced themselves so maybe there's an opening :D x

Abz - Sorry you're feeling unwell. Are you sure you haven't got some sort of tummy bug? There are a lot of them going round and they do come on quite quickly or perhaps what you have is typical of something you have experienced before on CD :confused: x

:character00238: Have a lovely day everyone :character00238:
i really hope your daughter feels better soon gem. sounds like a really nasty bug!!

i reckon the nation would love us elle :D

i think i've just got carb hangover gem. i was careful to avoid them but in a restaurant you just don't know what they add, even to a chicken bloody skewer. so it's probably that. not feeling quite so bad right now so hopefully it was short lived.

have a really sore throat and tight chest this morning though so hope i'm not getting a chest infection. they hit me HARD.

abz xx
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arrr no not a chest infection!! that's poo. try and take it easy abz. I think we're all getting some sort of winter blues! come on people, it's almost christmas, we must be merry!!

ha. i would love to be merry elle. it would be wonderful :)

i'm not sure i am out of ketosis. as i'm really not hungry. and i left having my first pack until i was hungry to check. and i still haven't had it and i'm still not hungry, and i'm still freezing cold. but i do have a bit of a headache :(

have had about 2 litres of water so far today. so that's going in the right direction. i think i really need to start drinking about 4 litres a day again, like i used to, to try and get the scales (and poo) shifting. running to the loo all the time again though. It sucks!! ha.

abz xx
Aw Abz I hope you feel better soon. I especially hope you are feeling better by Saturday as I'm looking forward to meeting you guys. That's right, I got the day off so I will be there!

Gem, hope work wasn't too bad for you today and hope all is well. We will get the 0720 train which gets in to New Street at 0947.
Excellent! Do you want to PM me your mobile number incase we can't find you when we arrive? I don't know New Street at all so I wouldn't know where a good meeting place would be!
woooo, yay, taz is coming! can't believe you guys are having to get such early trains lol i feel so sorry for you! the only thing i have to think about now is where im going to leave my car for 9 hours lol! xxx
Ha ha aren'y you the lucky one Elle! Do you know where a good place to meet at the station would be? Is there a coffee shop or something?
indeed there is, but i dont remember it's name. once you come through the "barrier", in your view, straight ahead there are some stairs, slightly on the left a newsagents-style shop, and on the right a burger king. If you walk to the right, towards the big arrival and departures signs, the coffee place is behind that. it's not the biggest thing in the world but it'll do. alternatively, straight up the stairs and immediately on your right (within the pallisades mall) there is a starbucks or a costa, i dont remember which haha.