elle I agree with Abz, I really couldn't have put it better myself. Especially with men, when they have a problem they like to sort it out themselfs, they aren't like us woman that we want to talk it out, and have a listen to eachother. Men want to go away and just think about it until they have a solution. And to add to that they ( a lot times) don't even share it with their male friends unless they think he will have a Solution to the problem. But I am certain that when he is ready to talk about it ...you'll be the first to know. You have a bond and as long as you just let him know you're there, he will be fine.
Tyn, Oh sweetie, I am really sorry to read about your situation. But I definately think door number 3 would be a good idea. If you can't get her help that way then maybe you need to contact some agencies that deal with depression ect and see what options they may give you. Because if your mother HAS to consent, she may not, but there may be other options to get her help. ( if that makes sense) I am sending you big hugz and lots of love from me and mine and I hope you are able to sort this out for you and your family!!