Big Boys Need Love Too!

Sometimes age is a BIG number Jenn. There's no way I feel my age, except when I burn the candle both ends and party party too much
gem, well right now i feel great. wish i knew why. it's like i am on drugs. hehe. well i am 31...old to some and young to me...i don't care i still feel young in my head...
Well 31 IS young. I'm so glad you're feeling good Jenn. You have to feel good about yourself and what you're doing to succeed x
Here I am flying around in cyberspace, wondering where to touch down. There's nobody in this universe but me. Where have everyone gone? Is it early night tonight and I missed it? Or is there no-one in the vacinity of Planet Gemstone at all? Is there anyone ............out there!
ha. obviously not until now gem :)

good morning chaps. i'm a bit miffed. i lost 1/4lb this week. at least i didn't gain. but is it me or could i be actually eating and losing more than that. i've only lost 3lbs over the last two weeks. and i know that most of it is water retention, but it would be with another diet too and i'd still lose more than that. hmph.

how are you all on this fine morning?

abz xx
Abz. So sorry to hear that. You have gone through so much too for this diet and it seems SO unfair. Is it just your metabolism slowing down because your body is feeling starved. I know that happens with conventional cutting down but I've never seriously followed CD so am not sure if this still happens :confused: I now confess that I put on 6lb over the weekend :eek: (glad I weighed before I went) and I have lost 4 or those already :) I put it down to the metabolism boost from the extra food plus being firm about food and drinking loads of water since I've been back. 1/4 lb IS a little soul destroying I know and would'nt even register on my scale BUT it IS a loss and what can you think of that you would kill for 1/4 lb of? Be positive abz. That puts it a bit into perspective doesn't it? It will happen but you want it to happen NOW! :)
Just a thought - There is a theory that you shouldn't drink water at the same time as food. The water dilutes the stomach acid and slows down the digestion process. Could the VAST amounts of water you are drinking possibly be effecting the way your body deals with processing your meals? x
Interesting thought, when i'm eating i dont usually drink to be honest. Abz don't let it get you down, there wont be a single person on here who doesn't put on weight/slow down in losing it at some point. look how far you've come, i'm nowhere near losing 10lbs!! That's amazing, almost a stone!

Last night chaps I went for the salmon because i felt like a salad. I was bad, shared nachos for starters and had mozzarella sticks but i didnt have a pudding and stopped eating when I was full. TOTM joined me last night for another week of fun, i know i'll be suffering today and tomorrow and i already feel quite swollen. However, I still weighed myself this morning but removed all my clothes lol, came out at 14st 5lbs still. And also put some jeans on today that are normally tight and they fit perfectly so it's not all bad.

This weeks is going to be a bit hectic from now so I wont be on during the day until next monday, got an exhibition to go to. Good point of this is that i'll be constantly moving around doing stuff, going to set up as well today so should be a fair bit of "exercise" lol and also i dont have enough time to think about food so only eat when i'm hungry.

how's everyone else? xxx
well all my meals involve water in some form since i live on milkshakes and soups so i don't think that really matters to be honest... i think it's all just water retention. i was crap at drinking water for two days running and then totm hit, plus my evening of break so who knows... am starting to get hungry so think i'll have my first shake of the day. i think maybe banana...

abz xx
TOTM always manages to come and cause havoc at all the best times! Ah..... I remember it well (pauses to remember but not for long) :sigh: SO glad I'm done with all that now. At times I could put on as much as 4lb just because of THAT. I think it was all due to water retention but for a week I felt JUST HORRIBLE. I also had lots of pain with mine until I was about 40. Ah good times..................:)
Yeah it runs in my family that we have an awful time of things. my little sis is always sick on her first day. and i just went to the toilet to get away from my desk and try and get over the paaaaain aaaarr. forgot to bring paracetomol with me :( i just want to be in bed with a hot water bottle but i know that when i'm moving around setting up later the pain will die down.Gem you're LUCKY you dont have this any more haha. xxx
I swear to god the people who write stuff about menstruation are men! apparently water retention is a symptom of pms, and stops on the day of your period. odd then, that i should often be plagued with a pop belly type thing and a bloated feeling during the first few days of my period. grrr
Hey Abz...Chin up hun, I am sure you were just hanging on a bit too because you were off it for a little bit. But I am certain it will all be fine. Plus the TOTM is never a nice thing when it comes to weightloss.

Gem, what time were you on last night? I am normally up until about midnight, before we go to bed.

Elle, Eh, I wouldn't worry about what you ate lastnight, you had a good time and you stopped when you were full, so I am sure it will be fine. Better to stay the same weight then to gain. You're changing your eating habit that you have acrewed over your life time and it takes time.

Tyn, where o' where has a little tyn gone....oh where or where can he be?

Well day 3 ladies, and I am still feeling ok. What are the names of the sticks to get abz so I can check to see if I am "in the zone"?
woah!! you're joking me! 48 hours?! thats an incredibly short time for a period. mine used to go on for 9-10 days. Now it's gone down to 6-7 days. I once got away with 5 days... 9-10 days used to kill me. well jenn, you must be very high on iron lol! x
actually I am Think. I know when I was PG , I never had to take supplements for it and it was never am issue, which I believe it can be for a lot of women. I guess I am lucky. But my TOTM is not as predictible as far as the arrival is concerned. I know about 5 and a half weeks between but sometimes it is 5 and sometimes is it 6...and it shows up at the moment awful time!! ahahaha

I couldn't do 9-10 days I am sure I would be suicidal. I am so heavy for the 2 days that to make is last longer would be awful. =-)
My TOTM used to be 7/8 days every 30 days or so. I know where you're coming from elle. x :)
Jenn - I realised it was well after midnight when I was on. I'd been working and fell asleep on the sofa. When I woke up I went back to the computer without looking at the clock :doh:
Anyway, managed to lie in til 7 this morning so it wasn't too bad x :)
Abz - You have had a messy week so don't expect too much. Sit tight and keep positive x :)
they are called ketostix and you can get them from the chemist but they are sometimes a bit funny about selling them to people just on a diet... but then sometimes not apparently. my cd gave me a couple when i first started so i could check. i only used one, the first one ever, ha. they aren't really to be trusted. it's great if they do go pink but if they don't it might not mean a thing. silly really...

and no wonder tyn has vanished with all this period talk, ha. mine usually last around 5 days...

abz xx
Bit naughty arn't we girls, hijacking a guy's thread and talking girlie talk all day! What on earth must poor Tyn be thinking about this diversion (unless or course he's enjoying it!!!!) x
wow...I tell you what I am definately learning a lot about my eating. I was definately a bordem eater. I am not really hungry and have only been 1 since I started, but I do want to eat...Out for bordem and not actually being hungry. I knew it was my problem, but I didn't realise how much. WOW!! Well you learn something new everyday. hehehe