Big Boys Need Love Too!

So guys, weigh in this morning.......

13st 13lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's 3lbs off and i'm officially UNDER 14st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and today i put a belt on that has NEVER fit me before and it's perfect on. infact im going to upload a photo to my albums in a bit to prove it haha.


well done elle!!!

I've almost finished my first week on South Beach and I'm a bit scared about my weigh-in on Monday.

you'll have lost loads silence, no worries :)

what a stupid thing to say tyn!! i'm surprised you didn't bite back hard... saying that, what people say in reaction to something is usually silly because they just don't know what to say...

my best friend has recently been diagnosed with cancer and has had her boss crying on her and squealing and being all shocked. hardly professional and supportive is it? gah. some people just make you want to hit them!! ha.

i bet you're looking really sexy these days tyn. could you take an updated pic so we can see the new 'do' :)

abz xx
south beach? i havent heard of that diet. what does it involve?
I have the worst accent ever. I am a BRISTOLIAN!!! I really think Bristolians should not be allowed on tv, it makes me cringe! That Justin Lee Collins bloke has got the worst accent and really shouldn't be allowed to inflict it on people!

When I lived in Truro I totally lost my Brizzle accent and no one knew I was from Bristol

Just had to reply to this, PMSL!!!

Taz I did both my degrees at UWE and was in Bristol everyday! I loved the accent! I was born in Bristol but thankfully never picked up the brissle accent, now I live in Chippenham I have a proper wurzel accent which I thinks worse than brissle LOL

Hope everyone is doing okay, I broke my SS by eating stuff which I'm not that upset about but I'm not that happy either! Will be restarting again tomorrow!

Ellie hunni CONGRATS on getting under 14st!

x x x x x x x x x x x
:wow:Yay you :wow:
what a result
Go Elley Go
Looking forward to seeing the barnet Tyn! x
ok, I only just caught up. Me...I have an american accent....however when I go home, eveyone tells me I sound " british" hahaha. What I find is that. having been here for almost 12 years now, people only pick up on what I say that sounds "different" and the things that i say that sound the same "british/english"...they don't pick up on because it sounds normal. If you get that. I mean...when I didn't pay for the tram once in manchester...I really had to concentrate quite hard to over exaggerate my accent to get away with not having to pay. ( naughty naughty I know).My OH is a manc, so of course he has a northern accent, however, since we live more down south, it has certainly softened a lot. What I have found though, is I am very picky and quite snobby about accents. Like most american's I wasn't away that everyone had different accents over here...we all just thought you all spoke the same. But to be honest...there are very few accents that I genuinely like. To include american accents. But you can't help speaking the way you do and I think people should just be proud, posh or not. my LU has a big mixture of english and american. I mean I say Zed and so on....but it is the way I say things that he pick up on. Plus being southern, we have a tendancy to pronouce our "t"'s as "d" 's and he picks it out. I have to correct myself all the time. I can't say pota"do" I have to say potato....Or Wa"d"er instead of wa"t"er. Even his nick name of "mattie" I have to make sure I say Mattie and not Maddie...hahaha. but I do anyway...can't help it.

Elle, well done on the weight loss hun...that is absolutely fantastic!!! sound like me getting things done at night. I guess, I am lucky in the fact that my OH knows so much about comps that we never have to take them in...and get everyone calling us for advice...even my parents...which winds him up something rotten.

I am burned to a crisp today....Luckily I had some aloe vera in the fridge and viola...and it will turn brown...i just dread 5 years from now when I see the damage. We were meant to go to the beach again today...but I had to run errands and LU was using his bouncy stayed in. Supposed to be going to see the speed boat races this weekend which should be fun and maybe go out to a nice lunch.

Tyn, I would have told that chick where to put her sissors!! and I agree with you JB is a complete hottie. 100% and his partner....but that is always the way. All the gorgeous men are either GAY or Taken!! *LOL* But I do agree with what elle said about his reasoning for doing the programme. Apprently he moved to live in the US when he was 9 so that is why he has the american accent. And if I am honest americans have no sense when it comes to accents, so no doubt he would have had a hard time keeping his scottish accent, because no one would have understood him. And he would have become an outcast within school. Sadly that happens. I was born in germany, and I am hispanic...and when I was 8 we moved to Utah in the US and it was hard for me. Here I was this tanned, mexican, with a german accent in a 97% white community. So I had to learn to adjust my accent so as not to stick out and be picked on.

Anyway y'all have a great weekend, just about to have my tea.

Speak later

Well done Elle that's great! I hope to be away from the 14s soon too!

Yeah you are right about the Brummie and Scouse accents, they are a lot worse than Bristol.

Bex, I used to go through Chippenham every day and I can't say I've noticed the accent but I think the people I came into contact there had come from other places as they all had posh accents!
haha THAAANKS GEM, THAAAAANKS EVERYOOOONE :) i was very pleased as you can imagine. swimming again sunday mornin methinks.

arrr ive burnt both my tongue and the roof of my mouth today.

i figure some people's accents change eeeeasy and some people's dont change at all. I reckon it's pretty age dependant. for example, kelly osbourne used to have a mainly american accent with a british twang, now she has a british accent with an american twang. but her parents didn't change. my mum was born in cyprus but she came over when she was 9 and she has a totally english accent. my dad was born in england, moved to cyprus at the age of 6 and then came back at 16 and he still has a greek twang to his english. well, anyway, possibly pointless story lol but you know, i can babble for england.

Hey all! Yep congratsomania Smelly! Your currently at my target weight! lol.

And accents, there are 2 that i find hot, the first is south african, dont know why, its just hot! lol. And the second, i hold my head in shame, is welsh! I dont know why, but welsh men sound rather yummy when they speak! lol.

As for my new doo, i will take a pic before i go out with dad tonight!

Hope all are ok!

(P.S i just weighed myself, and even with all the crap i have been eating, i have only put 1lb on! lol. Was rather shocked lol.)
south beach? i havent heard of that diet. what does it involve?

In principle it's learning to eat healthily... it's about eating the right kind of carbs and fats etc. There are three Phases, in Phase 1, which lasts two weeks. The actual purpose of this phase is to fix your blood sugar levels and reduce cravings.

In Phase 2 you start easing the RIGHT carbs back in, limiting yourself to a couple of servings a week. (The "right" carbs are granary bread, wholewheat pasta, brown rice, sweet potatoes - not real ones). You stay in Phase 2 for the duration of your weight loss, you can go back to Phase 1 for a boost, but it's advised you don't stay in Phase 1 for a long time because it's not healthy - your body does need carbs.

Phase 3 is the maintenance stage, its more liberal than Phase 2, but based very much on the same principles. In theory, that lasts for the rest of your life.

Co-incidently this diet was not designed to be a "weight loss" diet, it was created by a cardiologist to help heart disease patients. It is based loosely on the GI Diet, and the book talks a lot about insulin levels and stuff.

It's good, I like it and its relatively easy to follow if you know what you're doing. I lost almost 2 stone on this diet about three months ago, then I had my final exams at uni and shortly after that I moved to France.... I fell off the wagon. But I just jumped back on. :)


P.S. I have a Yorkshire accent.
lol good for you tyn tyn :) if i grow 6 inches tonight then i'll be near on thin tomorrow mornin!!! darn it, why didn't i think of that one! lol. xxx
good one for jumping back on the wagon, i'm glad the diet works for you. i personally could never give up potato, it's too tasty haha. ooh you moved to france? wooooow! that's incredibly cool. x
Hi Guys. Glad everyone sounds ok. Hi Bex, nice to see you here again. x
I'm grand thanks :)

Absolutely shattered from doing 50+ hour weeks, pleeease can someone do something so there are more midwives. We're buring ourselves out here :(
That's a lot of hours and full on too!!! I work with teenagers and I definitely know I've been to work. Corners are cut in my job too and it's not good x
Ok, everyone has to go and see Batman, like right now! I predict full oscars in the works. I thought the stuff about Heath Ledger was because he was dead, nope, he is 110% amazing in it! Totally remake and made the joker HIS character, fantastic movie! Can't fault it at all, apart from i think it got the wrong rating, its far to dark and stuff for kids. It should have been a 15 not a 12a.

Totally a 5star movie!

I took photo's of my doo earlier, but i can't find my lead to take them from my phone! Ohno! lol

Oh, and hi bex! Glad to have you back babes!

Oh and hi Silence! Welcome to the gossip and random conversation thread! :)
yeah it looks amazing! and i forgot to say before BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEX SO GOOD TO HAVE YOU BACK :)