Wasted Ink
Full Member
OK, so I know mid-week weigh-ins are naughty,
but I succumbed this morning and was horrified to see a 3lb gain! W-H-A-T?! However, it is TOTM, so hopefully it's just water retention or something.
Food-wise I'm doing pretty well. I'm on a red day- had bacon, eggs and a cheese toastie for breakfast, yoghurt mid-afternoon and Chicken, potato wedges and veg for dinner. It was yummy.
I might have some fruit later, but no more "proper" food. I tend to find I lose better when I don't eat much after 7/8pm.
Hopefully that 3lb (water weight, whatever it is) will have gone by Saturday.
Food-wise I'm doing pretty well. I'm on a red day- had bacon, eggs and a cheese toastie for breakfast, yoghurt mid-afternoon and Chicken, potato wedges and veg for dinner. It was yummy.
Hopefully that 3lb (water weight, whatever it is) will have gone by Saturday.